% 绘图boxplot(Y,'Symbol','o','OutlierSize',3,'Colors',[0,0,0]);% 坐标区域属性设置ax=gca;holdon;ax.LineWidth=1.1;ax.FontSize=11;ax.FontName='Arial';ax.XTickLabel={'AA','BB','CC','DD','EE','FF'};ax.Title.String='Title of Paired BoxPlot';ax.Title.FontSize=13;ax.YLabe...
colorList=C7; AI代码助手复制代码 C1: C2: C3: C4: C5: C6: C7: 绘图及修饰 这里的修饰分为坐标区域修饰以及图形对象修饰两部分,已在代码中标注好: % 绘图 boxplot(Y,'Symbol','o','OutlierSize',3,'Colors',[0,0,0]); % 坐标区域属性设置 ax=gca;hold on; ax.LineWidth=1.1; ax.FontSize=...
colors = list(mcolors.TABLEAU_COLORS.keys()) 1. 2. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib data = [5, 6, 7, 8] labels = ["a", "b", "c", "d"] colors = ["red","yellow",'blue','black'] plt.bar(range(len(data)), data,color=colors) plt.xticks(range(len(data)...
colors=makeColorMap(jet,size(data, 2)); figure('Position',[476 246 511 620]) p =0.2; hold on; for i = size(data, 2):-1:1 [f, x] = ksdensity(data(:, i)); fShifted = f + i * p; pHandle = plot(x, fShifted,'color',colors(i,:),'LineWidth', 1.5,'HandleVisibility',...
(states,'DisplayType','polygon','SymbolSpec',faceColors);% 不想去收集数据了,随便生成点随机数A=rand(numel(states),1);B=rand(numel(states),1);C=rand(numel(states),1);% 调用工具函数生成图例和映射表[CMapData,CMapHdl]=multiVarMapTri(A,B,C,'colorList',2,'pieceNum',8);% 循环修改...
is a vector the same length as X and Y, the values in C are linearly mapped to the colors in the current colormap. When C is a length(X)-by-3 matrix, it specifies the colors of the markers as RGB values. C can also be a color string (see ColorSpec for a list of...
MATLAB Plot Gallery - Standard Line Colors (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/35229-matlab-plot-gallery-standard-line-colors), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: 2024/12/12. 필수 제품: MATLAB MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보 개발 환경: R...
Various line types, plot symbols and colors may be obtained with PLOT(X,Y,S) where S is a character string made from one element from any or all the following 3 columns: b blue . point-solid g green o circle : dotted r red x x-mark -. dashdot ...
n=10; %n types of colors in hsv; cc=hsv(n); figure; hold on; for i=1:12 plot(result(1,:), 'color', cc(mod(i,n)+1, :)); %mod(i,n) is to prevent color from exceeding hsv dimensions, +1 because hsv(0) has no definition; ...
两个函数的格式不同:\x0d\x0aplot(X,Y,S); % X,Y为坐标,画出一个点,S为其它属性(颜色,点的大小等)。\x0d\x0aline([X1 X2],[Y1 Y2],S); %点A(X1,Y1)和点B(X2 Y2)之间画一条直线,S为其它属性(颜色,线的粗细等)。\x0d\x0a详细资料可以在matlab主面板里输入 ...