function. It can be found at: INPUTS: varargin: hFigure: figure handle backColor: rgb vector for desired background, default = black foreColor: rgb vector for desired foreground, default = white i...
plot(x, y, 'Color', 'red'); % 使用颜色名称字符串 plot(x, y, 'Color', [0, 0, 1]); % 使用RGB三元组 plot(x, y, 'Color', '#FF0000'); % 使用十六进制颜色代码 颜色名称英文单词 | 简写RGB值 白 'white' | 'w' [1 1 1] 黑 'black' | 'k' [0 0 0] 红 'red' | 'r'...
In one of my projects, I needed to present a radar (polar) plot. Such plots are usually drawn on a black background and I wanted all the plot controls to blend into this background. Matlab figure having black toolbar background For the plot itself I used a variation of Matlab’s bugg...
% c = rgb('Green') gives c = [0 0.5 0] % plot(x,y,'color',rgb('orange')) plots an orange line through x and y % rgb chart shows all the colors % BACKGROUND % The color names of [1] have already been ratified in [2], and % according to [3] they are accepted by almo...
ForegroundColor: 'black' BackgroundColor: 'cyan' DropShadow: 'off' IOType: 'none' NamePlacement: 'normal' ShowName: 'on' HideAutomaticName: 'on' Priority: '' Commented: 'off' CodeProfilingOverride: 'inherit' AttributesFormatString: '' ...
As in this picture, when i translate a png in a plot i get a black backgroung where the plot is not filled with the png. how can i set the color to white instead of black?댓글 수: 1 Les Beckham 2024년 5월 22일 How did you translate the image? Show the code you...
h1=plot(x,y);%建立快捷菜单 hc=uicontextmenu;%建立菜单项 hls=uimenu(hc,'Label','线型'); hlw=uimenu(hc,'Label','线宽');%设置菜单项子菜单和回调函数 uimenu(hls,'Label','虚线','Callback','set(h1,''LineStyle'','':'');'); ...
I cannot see the cross-hair for functions like "ginput" or "gtext". In previous versions, the cross-hair would be white against a black background, or black against a white background. Now, it appears to be black always, regardless of the background color. For example, run the...
1、plot(X,Y,'g','Linewidth', 1.2)%g修改为绿色线条,Linewidth修改画图线宽 2、三元组:plot(x,y,'color',[1 0.2 0]);%颜色表放本文最后 三、刻度值的修改 1、set(gca,'xticklabel',[]); set(gca,'yticklabel',[]);%不显示刻度值
plot(…,'PropertyName',PropertyValue,…)对所有的用plot生成的line图形对象中指定的属性进行恰当的设置。 h = plot(…)返回line图形对象句柄的一列向量,一线条对应一句柄值。 说明 参数LineSpec 功能 定义线的属性。Maltab允许用户对线条定义如下的特性: ...