function v = piecelin(x,y,u) %PIECELIN Piecewise linear interpolation. % v = piecelin(x,y,u) finds the piecewise linear L(x) % with L(x(j)) = y(j) and returns v(k) = L(u(k)). % First divided difference delta = diff(y)./diff(x); % Find subinterval indices k so that...
function J = piecewiseLinearTransform(I, r1, s1, r2, s2) % 初始化输出图像 J = zeros(size(I)); % 遍历图像的每个像素 [rows, cols] = size(I); for i = 1:rows for j = 1:cols pixelValue = double(I(i, j)); if pixelValue <= r1 J(i, j) = (s1 / r1) * pixelValue;...
function v = piecelin(x, y, u) % Piecewise linear interpolation. % v = piecelin(x, y, u) finds the piecewise linear L(x). % First divided difference. delta = diff(y)./diff(x); % Find subinterval indices k so that x(k) <= u < x(k+1). n = length(x); k = ones(size...
将大区间先划分为 很多个小区间,再取这些小区间的端点为插值节点,两两进行线性插值, 最终得到的就是分段线性插值了 分段线性插值 函数代码 这个代码写的很粗糙,能实现就行,我们主要看它的效果。 function output = piecewise_linear_interp(x0,y0,x) % 分段线性插值 % x0为样本点横坐标,行向量 % y0为样本...
title('Piecewise linear 分段线性') subplot(1,4,2) plot(x0,y0,'+',x,y2) title('spline1') subplot(1,4,3) plot(x0,y0,'+',x,y3) title('spline2') subplot(1,4,4) plot(x0,y0,'+',x,y4) title('second') dx=diff(x); dy=diff(y3); dy_dx=dy./dx; dy_dx0=dy_dx(1...
% function y = piecewiseLine(x,a,b,c,d,k) % % PIECEWISELINE A line made of two pieces % % that is not continuous. % % y = zeros(size(x)); % % % This example includes a for-loop and if statement % % purely for example purposes. ...
('Piecewise linear 分段线性')subplot(1,4,2)plot(x0,y0,'+',x,y2)title('spline1')subplot(1,4,3)plot(x0,y0,'+',x,y3)title('spline2')subplot(1,4,4)plot(x0,y0,'+',x,y4)title('second')dx=diff(x);dy=diff(y3);dy_dx=dy./dx;dy_dx0=dy_dx(1);ytemp=y3(131:151);...
MATLAB中可以使用if语句、switch语句和piecewise函数来实现分段函数的计算。下面分别介绍这三种语法的用法。 1、if语句 if语句是MATLAB中最基本的条件语句,它的基本语法如下: if expression statements elseif expression statements else statements end 其中,expression是一个逻辑表达式,用来判断条件是否成立,statements是需要...
function interp_y =Piecewise_Linear_interp( knot_x,knot_y,interp_x) % 函数名Piecewise:分段,Linear:线性, %Interp:interpolation插值 %knot_x:插值节点构成的一维数组; %knot_y:插值节点对应的y值构成的一维数组; %interp_x:想要计算插值结果的x构成的数组,可以是一个值,也可以是一个数组; %interp_y:...
View License Share Open in MATLAB Online Download PWLINT.m Calculate the positive and negative area under a curve using trapezoids, assuming a piecewise linear function Requires insertrows: ...