输入如下代码: The pie function is used to draw a two-dimensionalpie chart, and a vector is passed as a parameter to draw the value of the corresponding element in the pie chart, and the percentage is automatically assigned according to the value. Image example: Create a pie chart with an...
X = fminunc(FUN,X0) starts at X0 and attempts to find a local minimizer X of the function FUN. FUN accepts input X and returns a scalar function value F evaluated at X. X0 can be a scalar, vector or matrix. 3.求多元函数的极值 列如 求最大值 f=5+1350*(1-x)^(2.9)+1350*x^...
elseif RFun(2) == 0, NonLin = 0; else error('Parameter for ranking method must be 0 or 1'); end RFun = RFun(1); if isnan(RFun), RFun = 2; end elseif prod(size(RFun)) > 2, if prod(size(RFun)) ~= Nind, error('ObjV and RFun disagree'); end end if nargin < 3...
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Parameter Check function err = param_check(fp) mn = fp.ymin; mx = fp.ymax; if ~isa(mn,'double') || any(size(mn)~=[1 1]) || ~isreal(mn) || ~isfinite(mn) err = 'ymin must be a real scalar value.'; ...
error(['N must be a real scalar between 1 and' ...'log2(max(size(x)))']); end c=[];s=sx;app=double(x); %for each decomposition... for i=1:n [app,keep]=symextend(app,f1); rows=symconv(app,hp,'row',f1,keep); ...
returnsanm-by-n-by.matrixofrandomnumbers.IfanyofA,B,orCarearrays,thenthespecifieddimensionsmustmatchthecommondimensionsofA,B,andCafteranynecessaryscalarexpansion.Thefollowingtabledenotestheacceptablestringsforname,aswellastheparametersforthatdi 37、stributionnifn*DiiftributbcinInputParameterAInputParameter日1...
Must be a scalar integer from 1 through 99. Min Height— The minimum height difference between a peak and its neighboring samples. Min Distance— The minimum number of samples between adjacent peaks. Threshold— The level above which peaks are detected. Bilevel Measurements With bilevel ...
https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/math/parameterizing-functions.html Plotting inside the objective function will also waste a lot of time: it would be better to wait until after the GA algorithm has returned a result, or if you want to follow the results as thegaalgorithm progresses ...
% Verify class of sheet parameter. if ~(ischar(sheet) || (isnumeric(sheet) && sheet > 0)) error('MATLAB:xlswrite:InputClass',... 'Sheet argument must be a string or a whole number greater than 0.'); end if isempty(sheet) sheet = Sheet1; end % parse REGION into sheet and ran...
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Parameter Check function err = param_check(fp) mn = fp.ymin; mx = fp.ymax; if ~isa(mn,'double') || any(size(mn)~=[1 1]) || ~isreal(mn) || ~isfinite(mn) err = 'ymin must be a real scalar value.'; ...