options = optimoptions('fmincon','Display','iter','Algorithm','sqp'); x = fmincon(fun,x0,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,nonlcon,options); disp('x=');disp(x); 非线性约束设置(使得c(x) <= 0): % example1_circlecon.m function [c,ceq] = example1_circlecon(x) c = (x(1)-1/3)^2 +...
options = optimoptions('fmincon','Display','iter','Algorithm','sqp'); problem.options = options; problem.solver = 'fmincon'; problem.objective = @fun11; problem.x0 = [0.5 0.5]; problem.nonlcon = @fun22; [x,y] = fmincon(problem) A = x(1); b = x(2); xx =0:0.1:10; yy ...
FMINCON cannot continue because user supplied objective function failed with the following error:Undefined function or method 'myfunction' for input arguments of type 'double'.然后我用options = optimset('Algorithm','active-set');>> x = fmincon('myfunction',x0,[],[],[],[],lb,ub)还是不对...
option为设置fmincon的参数,定义option的形式为: option = optimoptions(@fmincon,'参数名1', 参数值1, '参数名2', 参数值2) 例如: option = optimoptions(@fmincon,'Algorithm','sqp') 2.option参数的设置 除去option外,传入fmincon的其他参数形式简单,调用起来非常简单,此处不再赘述。以下介绍option中的几个...
1、matlab中的非线性规划求解fmincon函数(Nonlinear programming fmincon function in MATLAB)The basic form of this function isX = fmincon (fun, x0, A, B, Aeq, BEQ, LB, UB, nonlcon, options)Where fun is the minimum value you need to function, you can write a single file settings function,...
[lbk]y_optimized, fval, exitflag[rbk] = fmincon(objective_function, initial_guess, [lbk][rbk], [lbk][rbk], A_eq, b_eq, lb, ub, [lbk][rbk], options);我有点不知道哪里有问题,这个影不影响运行结果啊大佬们帮我看看 lhmhz 内牛满面 13 这类错误可能出现在自定义函数中。你可以把代码完...
[w,fval]=fmincon(@fun2,w0,[],[],Aeq,Beq,@myfuntestcon,options) 目的是优化如下图片内容 1个回答 矩阵转置用符号“`”来表示和实现。 例如: A=[1 2 3;4 5 6 ;7 8 9 ]; B=A`↙ B=1 4 7 2 5 8 3 6 9 如故Z是复数矩阵,则Z`为它们的复数共轭转置矩阵,非共轭转置矩阵使用Z.`或conj...
主函数:[x,fval]=fmincon(@cdz_f,x0,a,b,[],[],lb,ub,@cdz_y,options)辅助函数(非线性约束)function[c,ceq]=cdz_y(x);c = 154.34*x(1)/(x(1)^4-x(2)^4)-((x(1)-x(2))/x(1))^(3/2);ceq=[];
0.6;2*pi/3;];初始值x0应该是列向量 5 options=optimset('Largescale','on','display','iter','tolx',1e-4); 是用来控制fmincon的各种参数,tolx是优化终止条件;LargeScale是采用的算法;display选择iter显示迭代次数;6 注意log(a)a不能为0,我测试了下,提示log运算中a出现0的情况;...
error('Not ready yet for ga'); else [x_new(:,:,i),fval,e(i,l),output] = fmincon(@opt_t, xi(:,:,i) , A, b, Aeq, beq, lb, ub, @cons,options); end else if use_ga == 1 error('Not ready yet for ga'); else [x_new(:,:,i),fval,e(i,l),output] = fmincon(@...