figure fullscreen maximise maximize maximize figure window Acknowledgements Inspired by: findjobj - find java handles of Matlab graphic objects Inspired: subfigure(nRows,nCols,figureId,varargin), Puma Robot Simulation, ISO 1999:2013, tilefigs Community Treasure Hunt Find the treasures in MATLAB ...
代码语言:javascript 复制 >>figure('NumberTitle','off')%关闭默认显示名字 代码语言:javascript 复制 >>figure('toolbar','none','menubar','none')%不显示工具栏,菜单栏 用法4 >> h = figure(s) % 返回该窗口的句柄,其中,s是一个整数
% % figure; % %montage(fileNames{1}(1:5), 'Size', [1 5]); % % % % end screenSize = get(0,'ScreenSize'); forl=1:nsyll % word = b{l}; p = figure; set(p,'Position', screenSize);% Make the figure full screen
figure. % % Usage: % - Run fcCombineFiguresGUI to open the GUI. % - Use the 'Folder Path' field to specify the directory containing the MATLAB figure files (*.fig). % - Click 'Browse' to open a folder selection dialog. % - Click 'Scan' to list all figure files in the ...
savefig('Hist.fig');close gcf histogram=openfig('Hist.fig'); 위 코드에서Hist는 히스토그램이 저장되는 변수입니다. 자세한 내용은이링크를 확인하십시오. 두 변수의 히스토그램을 생성하려면histogram2()...
Open in MATLAB Online Matlab does not seem to be letting me set my figure position in some cases, for no apparent reason. Code: ThemeCopy scrsz = get(0,'ScreenSize'); figure('Visible','off','color',[1,1,1]); %background to white set(gcf,'MenuBar','none'); set(gcf,'...
Plot Multiple Histograms on the Same Figure in MATLAB We can also plot multiple histograms on the same figure using theholdfunction. For example, let’s plot two histograms on the same figure. See the code below. vector=randn(100,1);HG1=histogram(vector)hold on vector=5+randn(100,1);HG2...
hFigure =figure; sz = get(hFigure,'Position'); set(hFigure,'Position', [sz(1)-0.15*sz(3) sz(2)1.3*sz(3) sz(4)]); set(hFigure,'color','w','menu','none') hAxes = axes('Parent',hFigure,'NextPlot','add',...'DataAspectRatio',[111],...'XLim',[30120],'YLim',[3565]...
% create figure so we can witness the magic axishandle = createFigure(field,costchart,startposind,goalposind); % as long as we have not found the goal or run out of spaces to explore while ~max(ismember(setOpen,goalposind)) && ~isempty(setOpen) ...