str = tostring(X) converts numeric, Boolean, or enumerated data X to a string. Note The operator tostring is supported only in Stateflow® charts that use C as the action language. In charts that use MATLAB® as the action language, use string. ...
Cell arrays are useful for nontabular data that you want to access by numeric index. If you have tabular data, such as data from a spreadsheet, usetableortimetableinstead. If your data is text only, usestring. 相关的函数 产生空的数组cell cell 元胞数组是一种包含名为元胞的索引数据容器的...
NUM2BIN Number to binary string B = NUM2BIN(Q,X) converts numeric matrix X to binary string B. The attributes of the number are specified by quantizer object Q. If X is a cell array containing numeric matrices, then B will be a cell array of the same dimension containing binary stri...
NUM2BIN Number to binary string B = NUM2BIN(Q,X) converts numeric matrix X to binary string B. The attributes of the number are specified by quantizer object Q. If X is a cell array containing numeric matrices, then B will be a cell array of the same dimension containing binary stri...
chrNumeric = uint16(chr) chrNumeric = 1×12 uint16 row vector 72 101 108 108 111 44 32 119 111 114 108 100 char 函数将整数向量重新转换为字符。 chrAlpha = char([72 101 108 108 111 44 32 119 111 114 108 100]) 要将字符向量合并到二维字符数组中,请使用方括号或 char 函数。 • 应...
Convert to Strings To convert a number to a string that represents it, use thestringfunction. str = string(pi) str = "3.1416" Thestringfunction converts a numeric array to a string array having the same size. A = [256 pi 8.9e-3]; str = string(A) ...
string can also include signs like the ‘+’ sign and ‘–‘ sign, the letter e or d preceding power of 10 scales factor and letter i or j for indicating the complex or imaginary number.str2num also converts string matrix to numeric matrix. If the input string does not contain a valid...
covert index-wise only numeric types to strings vcell(cellfun(@isnumeric, vcell)) = cellfun(@(x) sprintf('%.5f', x), vcell(cellfun(@isnumeric, vcell)), 'UniformOutput', false) Above code outputs vcell = 'v' '576.58180' '3.02860' '576.92700' 'v' '576.58180' '3.02860' '576.92700'...
character array|string scalar Representation of a numeric matrix, specified as a character array or string scalar. Text that represents a numeric matrix can contain spaces, commas, or semicolons, such as'5','10,11,12', or'5,10;15,20'. In addition to numeric values and delimiters, input...
vartype("numeric")— 数値を含んでいるすべての変数 例: rmoutliers(T,"DataVariables",["Var1" "Var2" "Var4"]) 外れ値検出オプション すべて折りたたむ ThresholdFactor— 検出しきい値の係数 非負のスカラー 検出しきい値の係数。非負のスカラーとして指定します。 "median" メソッドお...