output(1:delay*fs) = input(1:delay*fs); % Add Echo to the remaining part output(delay*fs+1:end)= input(1:end-delay*fs)*amp + input(delay*fs+1:end); % Normalize between -1 and 1 output = rescale(output,-1,1); end You may want to try this with the attached .mat-file. ...
Sample a 4-D function at 2500 random points between -1 and 1. The vectors x, y, and z contain the nonuniform sample points. Get x = 2*rand(2500,1) - 1; y = 2*rand(2500,1) - 1; z = 2*rand(2500,1) - 1; v = x.^2 + y.^3 - z.^4; Create a grid with xy poi...
均匀产生位于x1 到 x2 之间的n个点。 x= square(t)generates a square wave with period 2πfor the elements of the time arrayt.squareis similar to the sine function but creates a square wave with values of –1 and 1. 产生一个周期为 2π 的方波信号; x= square(t,duty)generates a square...
The vaderSentimentScores function uses the VADER algorithm to compute a sentiment score, resulting in a real number between –1 and 1. The VADER algorithm takes boosters, dampeners, and negators, enabling the function to assign different scores to "good" and "very good". This code illustrate...
Where T is a vector with values between 1 and size(Y,1). This is equivalent to Yi = interp1(1:size(Y, 1), Y, T, 'linear') If T is defined by uniform steps: T = linspace(Ti, Tf, Tn) this is faster: Yi = ScaleTime(Y, Ti, Tf, Tn) ...
i need a code to normalize( between 0 and 1) a matrix 7*50. the normalization process should be for each column not row**. in other words, the program should seek for the largest value in each column and divide all the elements in that column by it. can anybody help plzz 0 ...
Solve the linear system ( (\mathbf{A} - \sigma \mathbf{I}) \mathbf{x} = \mathbf{v} ) for ( \mathbf{x} ), where ( \mathbf{v} ) is the current approximation of the eigenvector and ( \sigma ) is the desired eigenvalue. Normalize the solution: ( \mathbf{v} = \frac{\mathbf...
(k,x,y). For instance,may be close to zero and. The step tolerance is just a constant and does not account for these differences in scale between the parameters. In my case, the objective function changes differently w.r.t changes in the "smaller" y's than in larger y's, making ...
由于随机噪声的影响,实际的检测过程要复杂得多. 在MATLAB7.0中没有直接计算相关计算相关序列的函...
between.m bit.m bitget2.m blackguis.m bootstrap.m brainstorm3.m catstructs.m ccaxis.m cdf.m cell2str.m cellcat.m cellfun2.m circle3.m circpermarray.m clickableLegend.m closest.m cluster_threshold.m