我正在运行一些关于高斯过程的基本例子。首先,我创建一个高斯分布和一个样本向量s。Normal','mu',mu,'sigma',sigma); s = random(d, [1000, 1]); ) plot( 浏览8提问于2022-09-24得票数 1 回答已采纳 2回答 在Matlab中寻找两个直方图之间的相似矩阵 ...
normplot - Normal probability plot. parallelcoords - Parallel coordinates plot for multivariate data. probplot - Probability plot. qqplot - Quantile-Quantile plot. refcurve - Reference polynomial curve. refline - Reference line. surfht - Interactive contour plot of a data grid. wblplot - Weibull ...
plt.plot(x,y,label='Normal Distribution')# 绘制正态分布曲线plt.title('Normal Distribution Curve')# 设置图表标题plt.xlabel('X')# 设置X轴标签plt.ylabel('Probability Density')# 设置Y轴标签plt.legend()# 显示图例plt.grid(True)# 显示网格 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 使用plt.plot函数绘制曲线,接...
Y'); zlabel('Probability Density'); title('3D Visualization of a Bivariate Normal Distribution');...
% lsline - Add least-square fit line to scatter plot. % normplot - Normal probabilit 47、y plot. % parallelcoords - Parallel coordinates plot for multivariate data. % probplot - Probability plot. % qqplot - Quantile-Quantile plot. % refcurve - Reference polynomial curve. % refline - ...
plot(pFreq,pNormal,'g--',pFreq,pFaulty,'r'); xlabel('Mean peak frequency(Hz)'); ylabel('Probability Distribution'); legend('Normal Bearing','Faulty Bearing'); 根据上图,将平均峰值频率的阈值设置为 2000Hz,以区分健康轴承和故障轴承
* Normal Model 34- run(xtmlh) [NEW] MLE Random-Effects Panel Regression * Multiplicative Heteroscedasticity Normal Model 结果为: 1、普通最小二乘法GWR spregxt y x1 x2 , nc(7) wmfile(SPWxt) model(gwr) run(ols) 2、运行面板固定效应GWR ...
x = -5:0.1:5; % 创建一个包含-5到5之间的等间隔点的向量 mu = 0; % 正态分布的均值 sigma = 1; % 正态分布的标准差 y = normpdf(x, mu, sigma); % 计算概率密度函数的值 plot(x, y) % 绘制概率密度函数曲线 xlabel('x') ylabel('Probability Density') title('Normal Distribution PDF')...
gscatter - Scatter plot of two variables grouped by a third. hist - Histogram (in MATLAB toolbox). hist3 - Three-dimensional histogram of bivariate data. ksdensity - Kernel smoothing density estimation. lsline - Add least-square fit line to scatter plot. normplot - Normal probability plot. ...
gscatter - Scatter plot of two variables grouped by a third. hist - Histogram (in MATLAB toolbox). hist3 - Three-dimensional histogram of bivariate data. ksdensity - Kernel smoothing density estimation. lsline - Add least-square fit line to scatter plot. normplot - Normal probability plot. ...