Handle 模块的句柄,double数据表示 Position 模块的边框在当前模型中的位置 ForegroundColor 模块的前景色 BackgroundColor 模块的背景色 Sample Time 模块的采样时间 FontAngle 字体斜度 FontName 字体名 FontSize 字体大小 FontWeight 字体粗度 4.常量模块 常数模块在仿真过程中通常输出恒定的数值。常数模块不仅支持scal...
position = new_pos; end else % 不是最优个体更新 self.move_to_goal(iter,i); end end end % 当前个体向着优于自己的个体飞行 function move_to_goal(self,iter,id) best_id = self.get_best_id(); % 计算当前步长系数 alpha_cur = self.alpha^iter; for i = 1:self.size % 目标不是自己和...
设置坐标轴 %设置坐标轴格式 title('Title','fontsize',12,'fontname...figure大小 figure(1) set(gcf,'position',[180,60,960,480]);%设置画图的大小四个数分别代表距y轴的距离、距x轴的距离、图宽、图长 3.matlab线条设置...subplot(2,2,[1 2]) plot(x) subplot(2,2,3) plot(y) subplot(...
width = 240;% 240pt US letter 双栏 set(gcf,'unit','points','PaperUnits','points','PaperPosition',[0,0,240,240/5*4],... 'position',[500 300 240 240/5*4],'color','w','PaperSize',[width, width/5*4]); set(gca,'Fontname','Times New Roman','Fontsize', 8);% 坐标轴句柄...
% places to store movement cost value and position cost = Inf*ones(4,1); heuristic = Inf*ones(4,1); pos = ones(4,2); % if we can look left, we move from the right newx = currentpos(2) - 1; newy = currentpos(1);
Open in MATLAB Online I need to change the colorbar label to the position showed in the attached image. C = [0 2 4 6; 8 10 12 14; 16 18 20 22]; clims = [4 18]; imagesc(C,clims) e=colorbar; e.Label.String ='amp'; ...
(i)); end %Save the xLabelpostion because it will move when we delete xAxis %ticks xLabel = get(annotationAxes,'XLabel'); xLabelPosition = get(xLabel,'Position'); set(annotationAxes,'XGrid' ,'off', ... 'XMinorGrid', 'off', ... 'XMinorTick','off', ... 'XTick', [], ......
The data tip stays in view until you move the cursor. You also can view the value of a variable by typing the variable name in the Command Window. For example, to see the value of the variable n, type n and press Enter. The Command Window displays the variable name and its value. ...
% determine if the ant has move outside the grid; if so, set inside to % 0 so that the loop terminates if(ant_x<x_min) || (ant_x>x_max), inside = 0; elseif(ant_y<y_min) || (ant_y>y_max), inside = 0; end
哈里斯鹰算法(Harris Hawks Optimization,HHO),是由Ali Asghar Heidari和Seyedali Mrjaili于2019年提出的一种新型仿生智能优化算法。该算法模仿哈里斯鹰捕食特点,结合Levy飞行(Levy Flights)实现对复杂多维问题求解。研究表明该新型算法具有良好的性能。在HHO中,哈里斯鹰是候选解,猎物随迭代逼近最优解.HHO算法包括两个阶...