1. MATLAB中刻度线的概念和用途 刻度线分为主要刻度线(major tick marks)和次要刻度线(minor tick marks)。主要刻度线通常用于标记重要的数据点或值,而次要刻度线则提供更细粒度的标记,帮助用户更精确地解读数据。刻度线的长度、方向和样式都可以根据需要进行自定义。 2. 如何在MATLAB中设置和调整刻度线 在MATLAB...
tick should before draw() % % 刻度的紧密程度,数值越高刻度线数量越多 % % The compact degree of ticks, The higher the value, the more scales there are % BCC.linearTickCompactDegree = 2; % % 是否开启次刻度线 % % Minor ticks 'on'/'off' % BCC.linearMinorTick = 'on'; properties ax...
Minor tick mark display, specified as'on'or'off', or as numeric or logical1(true) or0(false). ... 'on'— Display minor tick marks between the major tick marks on the axis. This is the default value for an axis with a log scale. The space between the major tick marks determines ...
I'd like to have minor tickmarks and use the alphadata option in the same plot. Currently I'm doing something like this: 테마복사 figure(1) h1 = imagesc(x,y,c); set(h1,'alphadata',~isnan(c)); set(gca,'XMinorTick','on'); set(gca,'YMinorTick'...
MinorTick的间距可以改吗?我设置MinorTick on之后,只会在相邻的Tick中间画出一条MinorTick来……要是想自己调整这个数量或者间距应该在哪里设定啊?从网上查到的都是要自己另外写一个函数,但是我看不太懂。难道matlab自带的功能里面不能调整这个东西吗? 静水琉深 抢个沙发 2 set(gca,*FontSize*,12);set(gca...
set(gca,'XMinorTick',true)set(gca,'YMinorTick',true) 细节调整 去除上边框、右边框刻度线 可以看到上框线和右框线也出现了刻度,有时候是我们不想要的,但MATLAB目前又没有办法直接设置,为此我们可以用一个新的坐标区去代替上、右框线。 实现过程如下: ...
XMinorGrid, YMinorGrid, ZMinorGrid Display of minor grid lines for each axis direction LineWidth Line width of grid lines, axes box outline, and tick marks GridLineStyle Major grid line style MinorGridLineStyle Minor grid line style GridColor Major grid line color MinorGridColor Minor grid line...
(weights) 0 1])if dist > 2xlabel('$w$')endif mod(dist,2) == 1ylabel('Probability')endxticks(min(weights):0.25:max(weights))xtickangle(0)set(gca,'FontSize',18)set(gca,'TickLength',[0 0])grid onendsaveas(f4,strcat('./figs/vacc_images/pminormax_',num2str(minormax),'.png'...
'xminortick, yminortick, zminortick' : on | {off} 'xscale, yscale, zscale' : {liner} | log 'xtick, ytick, ztick' : vector of data values locating tick marks 'xticklabel, yticklabel, zticklabel' : cell array of string : set(gca,'XTickLabel',{'1';'10';'100'}); ...
Allow for tick marks to be placed outside the box that appears in the Layout Editor. The axes above looks like this in the layout editor; placement allows space at the left and bottom of the axes for tick marks. Functions that draw in the axes update the tick marks appropriately. Use ...