matlab2016b安装后,执行mex -setup报错: >> mex -setup find: 37589: No such file or directory find: 37592: No such file or directory find: 37595: No such file or directory 1. 2. 3. 4. 尝试了matlab2015b,发现mex依然报错,通过修改/path/to/matlab/bin/mexopts.sh中macos的sdk版本,以及clang_...
matlab2016b安装后,执行mex -setup报错: >>mex-setup find: 37589:Nosuchfileordirectory find: 37592:Nosuchfileordirectory find: 37595:Nosuchfileordirectory 尝试了matlab2015b,发现mex依然报错,通过修改/path/to/matlab/bin/mexopts.sh中macos的sdk版本,以及clang_maci64.xml中macos sdk版本,然后解决的问题。
错误使用 mex test.cpp g:\matlab2017a\extern\include\matrix.h(23): fatal error C1083: 无法打开包括文件: “stdlib.h”: No such file or directory 三个文件 msvc2015.xml ;msvcpp2015.xml C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\MathWorks\MATLAB\R2017a\mex_C_win64.xml 的KITS出了问题,最后 LIB...
I've got an old mex file to run on my laptop and I got an error as in the title: Fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'stdint.h': No such file or directory. Mex is working without problem on another computer. I'm using 64-bit compu...
this code on an other computer that uses windows 64bits (I'm still building this code with Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1 - C++) and I have the following error: C:\users\documents\matlab\StdAfx.h(19): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'Afx.h': No such file or directory ...
Unable to read file heart_scale.mat;: No such file or directory. 这个问题是这样的,不应该有最后那个; 去掉分号就可以了。。。(粗心所致。。。不知道别人会不会像我这样。。。) 4 load 这一步报错 ??? Error using ==> load Number of columns on line 2 of ASCII file D:\Program Files\MATLAB...
Unable to read file heart_scale.mat;: No such file or directory. 这个问题是这样的,不应该有最后那个; 去掉分号就可以了。。。(粗心所致。。。不知道别人会不会像我这样。。。) 4 load 这一步报错 ??? Error using ==> load Number of columns on line 2 of ASCII file D:\Program Files\MATLAB...
紧随Step2,选择当前目录为Libsvm,然后运行make脚本(当前目录设置为Libsvm是防止MATLAB中有与make同名的脚本),本以为已经成功集成,谁料依然出错“No such file or directory...”,实在是有一种fuck dog的感觉,继续填坑,查阅其他博客,幸好有人遇到过同样的问题,make脚本文件中将配置MATLAB对应的代码行进行修改,具体将...
??? Invalid MEX-file '/home/catalanom/Scrivania/provaF/yprimef.mexglx': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directoryWhat is the problem? I configured the file as follows>FC='/opt/intel/Compiler/11.0/081/bin/ia32/FFLAGS='-fpp -...
Warning: Call to DIPMENUS failed: Invalid MEX-file '/opt/user_software/share/DIPimage/measure.mexa64': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory I'm using MatLab R2021b. Does someone knows what is going on? Best, Thorsten Member crisluengo commented ...