在MATLAB中,可以使用以下方法处理缺失数据或NaN值: 删除包含NaN值的行或列: data = [1 2 NaN 4; 5 NaN 7 8; 9 10 11 12]; data_cleaned = data(~any(isnan(data), 2), :); % 删除包含NaN值的行 data_cleaned = data(:, ~any(isnan(data), 1)); % 删除包含NaN值的列 复制代码 替换...
1、NAN Not A Number就是代表不是一个数据经常用在下面两种情况1.数据处理时,在实际工程中经常数据的缺失或者不完整,此时我们可以将那些缺失设置为nan,Matlab处理缺失的数据时就会跳过或者其他处理——这个是Matlab优越于其他语言的表现之一。2、另外但读取数据时,某个字符不是数据,那么Matlab自动将它...
在MATLAB中处理缺失或NaN数据的方式有多种,以下是一些常用方法: 使用isnan函数判断数据是否为NaN,然后用其他值替换NaN值,例如使用0或者平均值来替换NaN值。 data(isnan(data)) = 0; %将NaN值替换为0 mean_val = nanmean(data); % 求取数据的平均值,忽略NaN值 data(isnan(data)) = mean_val; %将NaN...
y = m ./ nr_nonnan; else y = sum(x, dim, flag) ./ mysize(x,dim); end end end function y = intmean(x, dim, isnative) % compute the mean of integer vector ysiz = size(x); if ischar(dim) || isstring(dim) x = x(:); else dim = reshape(dim, 1, []); dim = min...
M = mean(___,outtype) M = mean(___,nanflag) Description example M = mean(A)returns themeanof the elements ofAalong the first array dimension whose size does not equal 1. IfAis a vector, thenmean(A)returns the mean of the elements. ...
y = nanmean(X) y =1×33.5000 3.0000 NaN Mean of All Values Find the mean of all the values in an array, ignoring missing values. Create a 2-by-5-by-3 arrayXwith some missing values. X = reshape(1:30,[2 5 3]); X([10:12 25]) = NaN ...
avgdX = mean(dXdT,"omitnan"); avgdY = mean(dYdT,"omitnan"); corrXY = corr(letter.X,letter.Y,"rows","complete"); featurenames = ["AspectRatio","NumMinX","NumMinY","AvgU","AvgV","CorrXY"]; feat = table(aratio,numXmin,numYmax,avgdX,avgdY,corrXY,'VariableNames',featurenames...
Takes any number of cell or double arrays and resizes them all to the same dimensions. Also serves to resize any array with removal of extra rows/columns and adding of NaN, 0, or empty string rows/columns. - NotMyMajor/MATLAB_samesize
% as long as we have not found the goal or run out of spaces to explore while ~max(ismember(setOpen,goalposind)) && ~isempty(setOpen) % for the element in OPEN with the smallest cost [temp, ii] = min(setOpenCosts + setOpenHeuristics); ...