for ii=1:size(kq,2)-1 % visualize the Unknown ojbect t=deg2rad(0:360); x_Out = cq(ii) + (Safety_Unknown_USV+Size_Unknown_USV)*cos(t); y_Out = dq(ii) + (Safety_Unknown_USV+Size_Unknown_USV)*sin(t); h_margin_Out = plot(x_Out,y_Out); hold on; % h_area_Out = fill...
·Maximize Command Window选项表示用来最大化命令窗口。 ·Undock Command Window选项表示用来取消对命令窗口的操作。 ·Move Command Window选项表示用来移除命令窗口。 ·Resize Command Window选项表示用来重新调整命令窗口的大小。 ·Desktop Layout选项表示用来选择窗口布局,含有五个菜单项,分别是Default(默认布局)、Comma...
(12)最大化(Maximize):最大化工作区窗口,快捷键为Ctrl+Shift+M。 (13)取消停靠(Undock):取消工作区窗口停靠于MATLAB工作环境而成为一个独立的窗口,快捷键为Ctrl+Shift+U。 (14)关闭(Close):关闭工作区窗口,快捷键为Ctrl+W。 0.2.5 命令行窗口 命令行窗口(Command Window)是MATLAB中用户使用频率最高的窗口。
Maximize the current figure: WindowAPI(gcf, 'maximize') A semi-transparent figure with through-looking background: FigH = figure('Color', ones(1,3)); plot(1:10); WindowAPI(FigH, 'Alpha', 0.5, [255,255,255]); Draw a button without surrounding figure ("splash button"): ...
% Maximize the figure window. hFig2 = figure; % Create a new figure window. hFig2.Units = 'normalized'; hFig2.WindowState = 'maximized'; % Go to full screen. hFig2.NumberTitle = 'off'; % Get rid of "Figure 1" hFig2.Name = 'Demo by Image Analyst'; % Put this into title ...
plot(x, y, 'b-', 'LineWidth', 2); grid on; xlabel('x', 'FontSize', fontSize); ylabel('y', 'FontSize', fontSize); title('Original Data', 'FontSize', fontSize); hFig.WindowState = 'maximized'; % Maximize window. % Assume the ...
(7)void MaximizeCommandWindow():此方法使MATLAB窗口最大化。 (8)void Quit():用于MATLAB退出。 (9)属性Visible:当Visible为1时,MATLAB窗口显示在桌面上;当Visible为0时,隐含MATLAB窗口。 举例说明:LabVIEW程序中有二维数组A、B,通过MATLAB计算表达式B=A.*3(即A的每个元素均乘以3),得到的结果保存在LabVIEW的数...
zwindowminimize - minimize a zemax window. zwindowrestore - restore a zemax window to before a maximize or minimize. zemaxbuttons - get a list of 3-letter codes for zemax analysis and action windows (see zopenwindow). zemaxoperands - get a list of zemax optimization operands. accosin ac...
h=actxserver(‘Matlab.Application’); invoke(h); 命令窗口中会出现以下语句: Execute=String Execute(String) GetCharArray=String GetChatArray(String,String) GetFullMatrix=Void GetFullMatric(String,String,Variant(Pointer),Variant(Pointer)) MaximizeCommandWindow=Void MaximizeCommandWindow() MinimizeCommand...
set(fig,'outerposition',get(0,'screensize'));%maximize the window j=1; for t=0:pi/n:2*pi k=k+1; x(k)=t; y(k)=sin(t); H=plot(x,y,x(k),y(k),'or'); grid MOV=getframe(fig); writeVideo(aviobj,MOV); fmat(:,j)=getframe; j=j+1; end close(fig) close(aviobj)...