The function[minA,maxA] = bounds(A)yield to obtain the minimum valueminAand maximum value maxA of the given matrix or array A. WhereminAequalsmin(A)andmaxAequals max(A). The function[minA,maxA] = bounds(A,” all”)yields to identify the minimum valueminAas well as maximum valuemaxAov...
2.max函数(max function) 该函数用于列举矩阵每列最大值,具体效果如下图所示: The function is used to list the maximum value of each column of thematrix, the specific effect is shown below: 3.sum函数(sum function) 该函数用于计算矩阵每列和,具体效果如下图所示: The function is used to calculat...
Problem 1702. Maximum value in a matrix Created by:Gnaneswar Nadh satapathi Tagsmatlab 101,matrix,basic matlab 2 Solutions 15 Size Problem 8. Add two numbers Created by:Cody Team Tagsmatlab 101,basic matlab,basics 3 Solutions 13 Size ...
1) % mean(X,2) % % Class support for input X: % float: double, single % integer: uint8, int8, uint16, int16, uint32, % int32, uint64, int64 % % See also MEDIAN, STD, MIN, MAX, VAR, COV, MODE.
max(a) % 最大值[value, index] = max(a) % 最大值和行号a = [1 4 6 2]a < 3 % 结果为[1 0 0 1],即[是 否否是]find(a < 3) % 查找。结果为[1 4],即[第1个=1 第4个=2]sum(a) % 连加求和(∑)。∑a=1+4+6+2=13prod(a) % 连乘求积(∏)。∏a=1*4*6*2=48...
function MaxMinAveRow= MaxMinAveOfRow(absDiff) n=length(absDiff); maxRow=zeros(n,1); minRow=zeros(n,1); aveRow=zeros(n,1); sum=0; for i=1:n maxRow(i)=sum+max(absDiff(i,:));% max of row minRow(i)=sum+min(absDiff(i,:))...
intmax - Largest positive integer value.intmin - Smallest integer value.pi - 3.1415926535897...i - Imaginary unit.inf - Infinity.nan - Not-a-Number.isnan - True for Not-a-Number.isinf - True for infinite elements.isfinite - True for finite elements...
2: Find the Maximum Value in Matrix Using MATLAB max() Function In MATLAB, themax() functionhas several ways to process the data and has different input parameters. In the following example, we have a matrix of6×6 elements,and we are finding the largest value of each column of the mat...
For example % % K = [0.05 0.05]; % window = ones(8); % L = 100; % [mssim, ssim_map] = ssim(img1, img2, K, window, L); % %Visualize the results: % % mssim %Gives the mssim value % imshow(max(0, ssim_map).^4) %Shows the SSIM index map %=== if (nargin < 2 ...
%% example function for code generation (largeMatrixTest.m)functionlargeMatrixTest() a = rand(5000, 5000); tic; b = a * a; c = sum(a); s = svd(a); e = eig(a); [maxValue, maxPos] = max(a); tCpu = toc; fprintf(' Time cost: %f\n', ...