matlab读取CVS文件的几种方法: 1,实用csvread()函数 csvread()函数有三种使用方法: 1、M = csvread('filename') 2、M = csvread('filename', row, col) 3、M = csvread('filename', row, col, range) 第一种方法中,直接输入文件名,将数据读到矩阵M中。这里要求csv文件中只能包含数字。 第二种方...
Learn core MATLAB functionality for data analysis, modeling, and programming. View course details Discover dynamic system modeling, model hierarchy, and component reusability in this comprehensive introduction to Simulink. View course details Educators ...
在MATLAB中,将.mat文件转换为.csv文件是一个常见的操作。以下是详细的步骤,包括加载.mat文件、提取数据、转换数据格式,以及将数据写入CSV文件的示例代码: 加载MATLAB的.mat文件: 使用load函数加载.mat文件。如果.mat文件中包含多个变量,可以选择性地加载特定变量,或者加载所有变量。 matlab load('yourfile.mat'); ...
matlab编程 csv到mat格式转换程序 imgDataPath = ''; imgDataDir = dir(imgDataPath); % 遍历所有文件 SonDataPath = ''; for i = 1:length(imgDataDir) if(isequal(imgDataDir(i).name,'.')||... % 去除系统自带的两个隐文件夹 isequal(imgDataDir(i).name,'..')||... ~imgDataDir(i)....
胰腺-.csv代码- 使用MATLAB将ROI数据从.mat文件提取到.csv的代码。 searchDir\n='[[\u63d2\u5165\u76ee\u5f55]'%MAT.deleteUnnecessaryMatFiles(searchDir); matFilePrefix\n='/*.mat'; exportReports = false; searchPathMat = strcat(searchDir,matFilePrefix); mat_files = dir(searchPathMat); numMat...
What is the easiest way to get .csv-file from .mat-file, when I want to get modified rows? For example: I have a table: IDABC x502 y143 z027 But I want to get: A1;11;x_A;5 A1;11;x_B;0 A1;11;x_C;2 A1;11;y_A;1 etc. ...
What is content of field in question? If a numeric array, the simplecsvwriteis hard to beat; otherwise somewhat more complex. But, I always have to it really necessary to actually create the other file? What can you do with it you can't do simply by loading the .mat file...