Example 1: How to Convert a Square Matrix into the Row Vector Utilizing the reshape() Function? The given example creates a square matrix having size n = 3. After that, it uses thereshape()function to convert this matrix into a row vector having size 1-by-9. 3); vect =reshape(A,19...
Reshape the matrix 'A' into a vector 'V' by typing the following code: V = reshape(A,1,S) The 'reshape' function reshapes the matrix 'A' into a new matrix with 1 row and 'S' columns - a vector. Advertisement Create large, square brackets using Word’s Shapes feature. Matrices ar...
比如V=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]想得到M=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]可以这样:m=reshape(v,4,2),m=m.
(称为:outer product 外积), 4by1矩阵乘以1by4矩阵,结果是:4行4列的% matrix (同一个Row的entry之间用space隔开来,Row与Row之间用semicolon隔开来)A=[1216;5179;3127]% 访问元素 方法一:括号里面是 row和colA13=A(1,3)A31=A(3,1)minorOfA22=A([13],[13])% 逗号前面全是row,逗号后面全是colA...
When you index into the matrix A using only one subscript, MATLAB treats A as if its elements were strung out in a longcolumnvector, by going down the columns consecutively, as in: 16 5 9 ... 8 12 1 Tip:MATLAB is column major–linear indexing starts by going down the columns consecu...
recognized in the for loop. Finally, in the for loop, use the variable of change to intercept the content of the row vector, and use the [Test_Matrix;Test_Matrix_Change] method to repeatedly assign values to Test_Matrix to make it into the form of a matrix. The final result is as ...
我猜你的代码应该是 surf(Xp(i),Yp(i),Zp(i)) 出错了吧,当x和y为1*10的向量时,则构成了一个10*10的二维平面,因此此时z应该是一个10*10的矩阵,而不是标量或矢量,错误提示:Z must be a matrix, not a scalar or vector
Hello, I have: n-by-3 matrix A, and n-by-1 matrix B: 테마복사 A=[ x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 x3 y3 z3 x4 y4 z4 ... xn yn zn ] B=[ 3 2 7 1 ... n ] B is index (labelling) matrix of A. I wanna assign the vector A to vector B. Ex: (x1 y1 z1) as...
z应该这样写:z=5*ones(size(x));surf和mesh中x,y,z必须是同样维度的矩阵。完整代码如下:clear clc [x,y]=meshgrid(-5:0.1:5);z=5*ones(size(x));surf(x,y,z);shading interp;运行出来的结果如下: