function MakeGif(filename,index) f = getframe(gcf); imind = frame2im(f); [imind,cm] = rgb2ind(imind,256); if index==1 imwrite(imind,cm,filename,'gif', 'Loopcount',inf,'DelayTime',0.001); else imwrite(imind,cm,filename,'gif','WriteMode','append','DelayTime',0.001); end end ...
Here is a function which you can use function save2gif(fig_num,filename,delaytime) % Functionility: % to save current figure as one frame of gif. %(it shall be used in for/while loop after drawnow sentence,so that all the images can be merged together) % Input: % current figure fr...
给出了将旋转曲面动画生成为 gif格式文件的几个函数,并给出了生成两个常见的旋转曲面动画的程序.关键词 matlab ;旋转曲面;gif动画中图分类号 TP391.72 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1008-1399(2017)02-0051-03UsingMatlabtoMakeGifCartoonsofRevolutionSurfacesHUANGJincheng(HohaiUniversity ChangzhouCampus,MathandPhysics...
imshow(I);holdon;%make the gif fileframe=getframe; im=frame2im(frame);%制作gif文件,图像必须是index索引图像[Im,map]=rgb2ind(im,256);ifpic==1; imwrite(Im,map,out,'gif','Loopcount',inf,...'DelayTime',0.02);%loopcount只是在i==1的时候才有用elseimwrite(Im,map,out,'gif','WriteMode...
How can I make a gif using subplots and avoid an... Learn more about gif, animation, subplot, iteration, scaling, wgifc, imwrite MATLAB
% Start the animated GIF. make_gif = true; if make_gif animation_name = fullfile('animations', 'particle_demo_animation.gif'); [A, map] = rgb2ind(frame2im(getframe()), 256); imwrite(A, map, animation_name, 'gif', ... 'LoopCount', inf, ... ...
Matlab-制作动画 Matlab制作动画 1 涉及的主要问题 •一般步骤•使用的主要函数及功能•示例程序及运行结果•存在的问题 2 一般步骤:•确定动画的帧数nframes•画出图形•为nframes帧幅图形分配足够内存空间•用getframe生成动画的数据矩阵•以每秒n幅的速度播放动画 3 函数及功能 •M=moviein(nframes...
공유 MATLAB Online에서 열기 Animator Animator is a tool for making GIF animation files from MATLAB® code. Setup Here’s how it works. Create an M-file that generates the plot that you want to animate. Indicate which parameter you want to change and how (this needs to be an...
I would like to make a movie from MATLAB plots that are plotted on a figure. (It does not have to be real time - can post process no problem). I would like to know how to: Make an animated gif from plots. Make an mpeg from plots. How can I go about doing ...