11 logical logical values of 1 or 0, represent true and false respectively 12 char character data (strings are stored as vector of characters) 13 cell array array of indexed cells, each capable of storing an array of a different dimension and data type 14 structure C-like structures, each ...
% * 'deleteadd' is the same as 'delete' followed by 'add' % extList - optional string or cell array of strings containing the file % extensions that should be associated with this version. Default is % all MATLAB file extension (see above). % fileStr - optional string with the name ...
fiff_split_name_listSplit a colon-separated list of names into a cell array of strings. .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.3\linewidth}|p{0.6\linewidth}| Writing routines. FunctionPurpose fiff_end_blockWrite a FIFF_END_BLOCK tag. fiff_end_fileWrite the standard closing. ...
isdir]==0); if isempty(fieldnames(AllFile)) fprintf('There are no files in this folder!\n'); else % 当前文件夹下有文件,反馈文件数量 fprintf('Number of Files: %i \n',size(AllFile,1)); end end fileNames=[]; Folder = {AllFile.folder}; AllFile_name = sort_nat({AllFile.name}...
endif(~isempty(userExtList) && ~min(cellfun(@ischar, userExtList))) error('The file extension list must be a string or a cell array of strings!') endif(~ischar(fileStr)) error('The file to write to must be a string!')
p = py.numpy.array(p); % if empty, type is always set to double: https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/6028 p = p.reshape(num2cell(fliplr(sz))); t = uint16(0:length(sz)-1); t(end-[1 0]) = t(end-[0 1]); p = p.transpose(num2cell(t));...
Note that like Fangjun Jiang I have defined the data as a simple string rather than as a string within a cell as in the question. You don't need a cell array unless you are handling multiple strings - as is the case for the results. ...
Deleting all elements of an array results in an empty array. The size of this empty array in generated code might differ from its size in MATLAB source code. Growing Variable-Size Column Cell Array That is Initialized as Scalar at Run Time ...
of hex2dec and dec2bin%% Input checking%h=h(:); % Make sure h is a column vector.if iscellstr(h), h = char(h); endif isempty(h), s = []; return, end% Work in upper case.h = upper(h);[m,n]=size(h);% Right justify strings and form 2-D character array.if ~isempty...
inStrings: the input strings that are handed over to the script function. Each string should be terminated with a zero char, e.g. ['Hello' 0 'world!' 0]. Can be an empty string. inBuffer: the input buffer that is handed over to the script function. Can be []. operationMode: a...