使用true 替代 logical(1) , false 替代 logical(0), 尤其是当创建向量或矩阵的时候
MATLAB also accepts logical indexing, which can be useful when working with conditional statements. For example, say you want to know the values of "A" that is larger than 7. Use the > operator to return a logical array whose elements are logical 1 when an e...
数据结构 Data structure 数组和矩阵 Array and Matrix a(2,1)=3中,2为行,1为列 数据类型 Variables type numeric数值int8;int16;int32;等char字符logical逻辑cell单元、细胞、元胞struct结构 数值格式 numeric display “format” short;long等形式 内嵌函数 Embedding functions cos();sin() 命令行终端 command...
在OpenCV 里,Logical Indexing 的实现并不像 MATLAB 那样简洁,但也相差不大。setTo()函数可以接受cv::Mat的逻辑运算,比如==和!=,的结果作为参数,具体代码可见OpenCV-and-CPP-for-MATLAB-UsersDemo_OpenCVFunctions 文件夹下的 demo_setTo.cpp 函数,为了方便起见,将代码陈列如下: #include<opencv2/opencv.hpp>#...
9、zation Indexing Methods for Vectorization Array Operations Logical Array Operations Matrix Operations Ordering, Setting, and Counting Operations Functions Commonly Used in VectorizingUsing VectorizationUsing Vectorizationi = 0;for t = 0:.01:10 i = i + 1; y(i) = sin(t);End=t = 0:.01:10...
The following logical operators and functions perform element-wise logical operations on their inputs to produce a like-sized output array. The examples shown in the following table use vector inputs A and B, where A = [0 1 1 0 1]; ...
Array indices must be positive integers or logical values. 1 Answer Entire Website Direct Indexing of Function Calls (OOP Exercise) File Exchange argcheck File Exchange Hyperspectral Image Index Analysis File Exchange Categories MATLABLanguage FundamentalsMatrices and ArraysMatrix Indexing ...
矩阵array 1.基础 row vector——a = [1 2 3 4](空格) column vector——b = [1;2;3;4](分号) A = [1 2;3 4]表示2*2的矩阵 矩阵运算直接用*即可。 索引:array indexing A(2,2)row-column 可以直接读取该位置的值 A([1,2],[1,2])表示交集. ...
Array(Index)=0 上述代码往往会被提示可以省略find,直接使用逻辑索引而不是数值索引。 省略一个函数调用当然会更快,这不难理解。 但如果Index还将要继续用于后续其它数组的索引呢? 亦或者,满足Array==Element条件的元素个数远远少于Array的元素总数呢?例如,Array中含有10亿个数值,满足条件的却只有1个,此时数值索引...
3×3 logical array 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 B(nan_locations) ans = NaN NaN B(nan_locations) = 0 B = 0.0292 0.4886 0.4588 0.9289 0 0 0.7303 0.2373 0.5468 Functions in the Image Processing Toolbox, as well as the MATLAB functionsimreadandimwrite, follow the convention that logical matrices...