只要懂英语,就知道这不是报错。不要看到stop就觉得是报错。程序已经说了Local minimum possible,说明你...
23 122 6.482512e-06 0.000e+00 3.430e-01 1.672e-06 5.383e+00 Local minimum possible. Constraints satisfied. fmincon stopped because the size of the current step is less than the value of the step size tolerance and constraints are satisfied to within the value of the constraint tolerance. <...
Local Minimum Possible Final Point Equals Initial Point The initial point seems to be a local minimum or solution because the first-order optimality measure is close to 0. You might be unhappy with this result, since the solver did not improve your initial point.
2、可能的局部最小值(Local Minimum Possible,not ' Local Minimum Found') 求解器可能达到一个局部最小值,但并不确定,因为一阶导数不小于TolFun,为了检查得到的答案是否是可靠的,考虑下边的建议。 (1)非平滑函数 如果试着最小化一个非平滑的函数,或者有非平滑的约束,那么‘"Local Minimum Possible’是最好的...
Fmincon 路径规划 提示Local minimum possible. Constraints satisfied。 0 Answers 求助:用fmincon 函数 怎么才能输出 更多的信息 比如:exitflag。 1 Answer About how fmincon works 0 Answers Categories Mathematics and OptimizationOptimization Toolbox优化结果求解器输出和迭代输出 ...
I optimze a parameter (it is not an f(x) type dependence) on a dataset with lsqcurvefit. I always get "Local minimum possible" However, if I ran manual loop and plot the sum of the squared residues, a minima is visible. With default options, I get resonable results when sta...
[a,resnorm]=lsqcurvefit(@XU,x0,data,ydata,[0 0 0 0],[],option); 出现在命令栏中的提示如下: Local minimum possible. lsqcurvefit stopped because the final change in the sum of squares relative to its initial value is less than the default value of the function tolerance. ...
Local minimum possible. > In hwcalbycapfloor at 93 In hwcalbycap at 75 Alpha = 1.0000e-06 Sigma = 0.0127 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 先前的警告表明转换不是最佳的。使用的搜索算法未找到符合所有约束的解决方案。要辨别该解决方案是否可接受,请通过为以下项指定第三...
initial point is a local minimum. Optimization... Learn more about data fitting and parameters optimization.