亲测有效。 2如果打开一些软件出现loadlibrary failed with error 87 错误的原因归根到底是AMD的显卡驱动更新引起的。驱动更新时,只是将新文件以覆盖方式添加到电脑上,但并未对旧驱动进行彻底的清除,导致驱动更新以后,一些旧文件仍然保留在本地电脑上 解决办法 1.首先,进入C:\Windo......
Since I recently upgraded to R2020b, I keep getting the error message "Loadlibrary failed with Error 87: The parameter is incorrect", and then Matlab crashes. With R2020b and R2020a, this happens immediately when I start Matlab. With the much older R2014a, I get the same err...