如果你只想加载.mat文件中的某个特定变量,你可以在load函数中指定该变量的名称。例如,如果你只想加载变量A,你可以使用: matlab A = load('filename.mat', 'A'); 这样,A将直接包含变量A的值,而不是一个struct。
(2)在Excel中复制数据,再回到Matlab中右键,点击粘贴Excel数据(Ctrl+Shift+V) (3)关掉这个窗口,点击X变量,右键另存为mat文件(下次就不用复制粘贴了,只需使用load命令即可加载数据) (4)注意,代码和 .mat文件要放在同一个目录下,且Matlab的当前文件夹也要是这个目录。 (5)加载数据:在代码前加入 load 方法 load...
1. 将数据存为/读取mat格式 %存数据 save('E:\data1.mat','data1');%将变量data1存到'E:\'路径下,命名也为data1 %存多个变量 save('./env_500rpm12000len.mat', 'Env', 'frq_x','f_I', 'f_O','f_R'); %读数据 metro1_data = cell2mat(struct2cell(load('E:\data1.mat'))); ...
mydata{k} = importdata(filename); % 从文件导入数据 end celldisp(mydata) % 显示细胞数据的数据 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 注意:xls文件必须是微软office创建的文件,否则,读取文件时会出现错误。 mydata{1} = data: [1×1 struct] textdata: [1×1 struct] rowheaders: [1×1 struct] m...
obj.arrays = load('arrays.mat'); % ... end However, this results in the error: Function 'load' can only be used as the right-hand side of a simple assignment to a struct or array variable without subscripting. How can I load a .mat file in a Matlab System? 댓글 수: 2 ...
Or I could load the inputVariable without assigning it so the variable loaded is a timetable rather than a struct with a field that is a timetable: load([app.path'\'app.file],'inputVariable'); app.x = inputVariable; clearinputVariable; ...
Find more on Structures in Help Center and MATLAB Answers Tags Add Tags assignin attach eval field r struct workspace Acknowledgements Inspired: Add to mat Community Treasure Hunt Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover how the community can help you! Start Hunting!×...
loadLoad data from MAT-file into workspace OtherdispDisplay text or array displayDisplay text or array (overloaded method) tic, tocStart stopwatch timer(Read elapsed time from stopwatch) 上面所有函数都可以用“help funcName”或“doc funcName”命令查看帮助,参考Matlab R2012a帮助文档“MATLAB/Functions...
Error using load Unable to read file 'C:\Users\erand\Downloads\T1.mat'. Input must be a MAT-file or an ASCII file containing numeric data with same number of columns in each row. Error in uiimport/runImportdata (line 470) datastruct = load('...
if exist(opts.imdbPath, 'file') %如果cifar中存在imdb的结构体: imdb = load(opts.imdbPath) ; % 载入imdb else %否则: imdb = getMnistImdb(opts) ; % 调用getMnistImdb函数得到imdb并保存 mkdir(opts.expDir) ; save(opts.imdbPath, '-struct', 'imdb') ; ...