< less than; > greater than; <= less than or equal; >= greater than or equal; == equal; ~= not equal. 对于scalars, relation运算若为真,也结果是1,否则是0。 对于同样大小的矩阵,relation运算的结果也是一个有0和1组成的矩阵,他们是对原来两个矩阵的对应项分别计算的结果。如果所有项都为1,则r...
end 在这个例子中,如果x大于10且小于20,则会输出“x is between 10 and 20”。 我们还可以使用OR运算符将两个条件组合在一起。例如,我们要判断一个数是否小于5或大于15,我们可以使用以下代码: if x < 5 | x > 15 disp('x is less than 5 or greater than 15') end ...
RelationalLess than< Less than or equal to<= Greater than> Greater than or equal to>= Equal to== Not equal to~= LogicalAnd& Or| Not~ Xorxor Bit-WiseBit-andbitand Bit-orbitor Bit-xorbitxor Short-CircuitAnd&& Or|| 其中,“数组运算”指的是两个尺寸相同(行数列数相同)数组(或一个是标量...
returns the n-point DFT. fft(X) is equivalent to fft(X, n) where n is the size of X in the first nonsingleton dimension. If the length of X is less than n, X is padded with trailing zeros to length n. If the length of X is greater than n, the sequence X is truncated. Whe...
Find the first three elements in a 4-by-4 matrix that are greater than0and less than10. Specify two outputs to return the row and column subscripts to the elements. X = [18 3 1 11; 8 10 11 3; 9 14 6 1; 4 3 15 21]
disp('x is greater than or equal to 6 or less than or equal to 1'); end ``` 在这个例子中,我们使用逗号分隔了多个条件,将它们合并为一个逻辑表达式。如果x在1和3之间,输出“x is between 1 and 3”;如果x在3和6之间,输出“x is between 3 and 6”;否则,输出“x is greater than or equal...
关系运算符•MATLABusesmostlystandardrelationaloperatorsequalnotequalgreaterthanlessthangreaterorequallessorequal==~=><>=<=short-circuit(scalars)&&||•LogicaloperatorsAnd OrNotXor Alltrue Anytrueelementwise&|~xorallany•Booleanvalues:zeroisfalse,nonzeroistrue•Seehelp.foradetailedlistofoperators霓绷...
functionr = mbGreaterThan(x)argumentsx{mustBeGreaterThan(x,5)}endr = x - 5;end Calling the function with a vector that contains values that are less than or equal to 5 does not meet the requirements defined withmustBeGreaterThanand results in an error. ...
e(i) = -1 ==> Less Than e(i) = 0 ==> Equals e(i) = 1 ==> Greater Than vlb: n vector of lower bounds. If empty or omitted, then the lower bounds are set to zero. vub: n vector of upper bounds. May be omitted or empty. ...
Problem 17. Find all elements less than 0 or greater than 10 and replace them with NaN Created by:Cody Team Tagsdata cleaning,basic matlab 1 Solution 23 Size Problem 7. Column Removal Created by:Cody Team Tagsmatlab 101,basic matlab