本次用到的tcl函数有: create_hw_axi_txn run_hw_axi report_hw_axi_txn delete_hw_axi_txn 。 jtag_to_axi_master的具体说明参考其IP文档,不赘述。 值得注意的是,将jtag_to_axi_master 与axi_bram_ctrl 的协议都设置为位宽32bit,axi full模式。 axi_full模式可以利用burst 大大提高传输效率。 3.2 AXI...
通过JTAG接口,将数据采集卡中的ADC采样数据导出至测试PC。利用JTAG_to_AXI_master作为通信接口,实现测试PC与FPGA之间的数据传输。配置FPGA以存储和传输数据:FPGA在接收到JTAG发送的采样指令后,将ADC采样数据存储在本地BRAM中。根据指令读取特定通道的数据,并通过JTAG传送给MATLAB。在MATLAB中调用Vivado TC...
选择的方案是使用IPI图形设计界面,使用AXI Bram Controller控制Bram的读写,写数据通道使用dds产生波形数据,然后通过自己写的AXI主控模块,将dds产生的波形数据存储到bram里边,然后matlab通过jtag2axi IP读取存储的数据,bram何时存储通过matlab控制jtag2axi 控制gpio给出一个控制信号。 如下图: 模块1控制模块2生产存储数据...
在MATLAB与Vivado TCL批处理模式的整合方面,我们面临了一定挑战,因为对JTAG_to_AXI_master操作的TCL脚本需在Vivado环境中运行。在此过程中,XTWL TPCL提供了关键帮助,通过使用system调用Vivado TCL脚本,实现了MATLAB与Vivado环境之间的有效连接。在开发/测试环境中,MATLAB打印信息显示了工具的运行状态和测...
Access AXI slave memory on FPGA board from MATLAB®Access on-board memory locations from MATLAB, using the MATLAB AXI master IP in your FPGA design, and the aximaster object. The object connects to the IP over JTAG, PCI Express or Ethernet cables, and allows read and write commands to ...
After successfully running the HDLWA via the JTAG route, i create an AXI master object in MATLAB and then i try and write to memory to a specific register but i get an error as follow: h.writememory(hex2dec('A4000100'), 6) Error using fpgadebug_mex ...
And if I load the generated bitstream to fpga via vivado, the jtag 2 axi manager is visible. And the memory can be accessed by tcl commands. However, when i use matlab command 'h = aximanager('AMD');' the matlab can not found the jtag 2 axi ipcore. ...
Failed to download the third-party software: FTDI JTAG D2XX library Please refer to this solution. https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/2017321-the-404-error-when-installing-hdl-verifi... 1 year ago | 0 Answered AXI manager not working with Vivado 2023.1 Hi Dan, Vivado 2023.1 wi...
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