variables are integer within tolerance,options.IntegerTolerance=1e-05(thedefaultvalue).Call intlinprogwithRelativeGapTolerance=1.5e-2.LP:Optimal objective value is-357.115403.Heuristics:Found3solutions using rounding.Upper bound is-335.773578.Relative gap is11.77%.Cut Generation:Applied32cover cuts,19mir c...
matlab.unittest.constraints.OrTolerance 数値許容誤差の論理和 matlab.unittest.constraints.RelativeTolerance 数値の相対許容誤差 matlab.unittest.constraints.Tolerance 許容誤差の基本的なインターフェイス 比較演算子 matlab.unittest.constraints.CellComparator cell 配列の比較演算子 matlab.unittest.constraints.Dicti...
yfit_mexmight include round-off differences compared withyfit. In this case, compareyfitandyfit_mex, allowing a small tolerance. find(abs(yfit-yfit_mex) > 1e-6) ans = 0x1 empty double column vector The comparison confirms thatyfitandyfit_mexare equal within the tolerance1e–6. ...
null and orth Functions: Specify tolerance to treat singular values below a threshold as zero norm Function: Frobenius norm calculations support N-D arrays equilibrate Function: Specify output format of factorization rand, randi, and randn Functions: Support for complex input and RandStream object wi...
Unit Testing Framework: Compare objects using isequaln . Unit Testing Framework: Use homogeneous expected causes with Throws constraint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Git Source Control Integration: View branch details and delete branches . . . . ....
Return Unique Element with a Tolerance ,简单来说可以用来合并相近或者相同的数值的 9. anonymous...
(img)% Basic Global Thresholding CalculationT=20;% define initial estimate valueT_0=0;G1=img>T;G2=img<=T;% use T to get 2 groups of pixelsmean_1=mean(img(G1));mean_2=mean(img(G2));% get the mean valuewhileabs(T-T_0)>(10^-12)% set the toleranceT_0=T;T=(mean_1+...
Compare{1,2,3}to{1,2,4}. For the test to pass, specify that corresponding elements must be equal within an absolute tolerance of 1. testCase.verifyThat({1,2,3},IsEqualTo({1,2,4},..."Using",CellComparator(NumericComparator(..."Within",AbsoluteTolerance(1))) Verification...
John D'Errico made a more general functionconsolidator, found on the MathWorks File Exchange to allow you to do some extra aggregation. For example,consolidatorallows the aggregation of elements when they are within a specified tolerance and not just identical. ...
ode23BasedonanexplicitRunge-Kutta(2,3)pairofBogackiandShampine.Itmaybemoreefficientthanode45atcrudetolerancesandinthepresenceofmildstiffness.Likeode45,ode23isaone-stepsolver.ode113Vari 15、ableorderAdams-Bashforth-MoultonPECEsolver.Itmaybemoreefficientthanode45atstringenttolerancesandwhentheODEfunctionis...