subplot(2,2,1) t=0.01:0.01:3*pi; plot(t,cos(t)./(1+t)) hold on plot(t,sin(t)./(1+t)) plot(t,cos(t+pi/2)./(1+t+pi/2)) plot(t,cos(t+pi)./(1+t+pi)) legend subplot(2,2,2) axis([0,50,0,50,-10,10]) xticks(0:10:50) yticks(0:10:50) zticks(-10:5...
● plot(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,…) 在同一幅图上绘制多条曲线,Xi与Yi成对出现,每一条曲线分别由(Xi,Yi)定义。● plot(…,'propertyname','propertyvalue',…) 绘制二维平面图,并设置图形中线性对象属性propertyname的值为propertyvalue。字符串参量propertyname取值为LineWidth(线的宽度,其值为标量)、MarkerEdgeColor(...
1、例子-包含了常用绘图命令 1clear2clc34%%数据准备5x = 0:0.05:1;6y = -x.*log(x);7figure(1);%图像18set(gcf,'color',[0.1 0.5 1]);%设置整体图片的背景色910%%绘制曲线11plot(x,y,'rs-','LineWidth',2,'MarkerEdgeColor','k',...12'MarkerFaceColor','g',...13'MarkerSize',10);1415...
function. It can be found at: INPUTS: varargin: hFigure: figure handle backColor: rgb vector for desired background, default = black foreColor: rgb vector for desired foreground, default = white ...
h = plot(x,y); grid on %set(h,'EraseMode','xor') axis([-10,10,-100,100]) while k<1 k = k + 0.01; y = k * x.^2 - 2; set(h,'XData',x,'YData',y) drawnow end 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Windows,使用emf格式,set(f, 'Color', 'none', 'Inverthardcopy', 'off'); print(f, '-d...
%plot your figure before %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% set(gcf,'Units','centimeters','Position',[10 10 7 5]);%设置图片大小为7cm×5cm %get hanlde to current axis返回当前图形的当前坐标轴的句柄, %(the first element is the relative distance of the axes to the left edge of the figure,....
butonlyaftertheplotstatementis inserted. %plotyourfigurebefore %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Set(GCF,'Units','centimeters','Position',[10107,5]);%settings;picturesize7cm*5cm %gethanldetocurrentaxisreturnsthehandletothecurrentcoordinateaxisofthe currentgraph, %(the,first,element,is,the,distance,of,...
Hello, below you can see the structure of my plot. At the moment Im using the same y axis for every plot but I want to use two different y axis. One for the bar plot (patch...) and a second one for the other plots. How can i do this?