examples = {@odedemo,@sunspots,@fitdemo}; n = input('Select an example (1, 2, or 3): '); examples{n}() 运行时指定的数据调用绘图函数,使用 feval 函数。 plotFunction = input('Specify a plotting function: ','s'); data = input('Enter data to plot: '); feval(plotFunction,data) ...
I'm calculating some gradients with symbolic variables and after that I want to insert values for the variables. So I have a function depandent of multiple variables x(1),..., x(20) and I want to insert some values for the variables, something like etc. such that the function replace...
Description Full Transcript Related Resources Functions with Multiple Inputs or Outputs From the series: Managing Code in MATLAB Learn how to create MATLAB functions with multiple inputs and outputs. Published: 12 Nov 2020Related Information MATLAB Video Blog Feedback Featured Product MATLAB ...
U=FInitial values forU T=Ones(size(S))Initial values forT S=im2double(S)Normalizing to lie within [0,1] forn=1:Num F=exp(−Alpha_F)∗F+V_F∗conv2(Y,W)+SUpdate the feeding input L=exp(−Alpha_L)∗L+V_L∗conv2(Y,M)Update the linking input ...
This function is used to create a structure array containing multiple fields, which is the same as a single field structure. If the parameter input in the value part contains a non-scalar cell array, the structure will have the same dimensions as the cell array. If the value input contains...
\begin{figure} \centering \begin{subfigure}{0.45\textwidth} \input{figures/coarse-fine.tex} \caption{Possible transformation rule when translating values from the coarse to the fine grid. See listing~\ref{listing:IHh}.} \label{subfig:coarse-fine} \end{subfigure} \hfill \begin{subfigure}{0.45...
I am a hobbyist programmer and writing a reporting tool to export values from an SQLite database to Excel. The Excel part is written and working, the data I am retrieving from SQLite is creating a blo... PHP Regex for rewriting part of URL in 404 script ...
Unfortunately, under these conditions, there is no clear-cut way in MATLAB to locate the position in the program where garbage values are being introduced. However, the way out would be to write the input-output data in the text file wherever a sub-routine, function or library is invoked;...
Input sensor The sensor object created which needs to be bound to the Python module file_name Name of the Python file that will be generated. Must be unique sensor_mode Sensors can have multiple modes. For example, RGB camera has grayscale mode as well var_name Name of the variable that...
function [ipmat] = RooTri(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) % INSTRUCTIONS % add RooTri to your current working folder % determine inputs as follows % ouput m x 2 matrix called ‘ipmat’ % INPUTS % arg1 point cloud as n x 3 matrix % arg2 a of parameter plane equation, default...