findOldestRecord,findTallestMan 考虑在创建对象或变量时使用initialize前缀 美式的initialize应优于英式的initialise。避免缩写init。 initializeProblemState 使用前缀is命名布尔函数 这是MathWorks代码和其他语言中的常见做法。 isOverpriced,iscomplete 在某些情况下有一些替代is前缀的方法更适合。这些前缀包括has,can和should。
circularities = NaN(size(B,1),1);% initialize circularities array to NaN forj = 1:size(B,1) boundary = B{j}; objectMask = poly2mask(boundary(:,2), boundary(:,1), size(AI,1), size(AI,2)); regionProps = regionprops(objectMask,'Area'...
size of array,用此函数可以获得图像的高和宽;8、min:smallest elements in array;9、max:largest elements in array;10、fprintf:write data to text file;将信息显示到屏幕上或将数据写到指定的文件中;11、conv2:two dimensional convolution;二维卷积(图像滤波);12、ones(m, n):create array of ...
mediaProperties = MCmatlab.mediumProperties;in order to initialize themediaPropertiesvariable as an array ofmediumPropertiesobjects. Make sure that each media in a single model file has its distinct "j"-number, as this is the number you will refer to when building your model in the geometry ...
BestCosts = nan(MaxIt, 1); %% SFLA Main Loop for it = 1:MaxIt fla_params.BestSol = BestSol; % Initialize Memeplexes Array Memeplex = cell(nMemeplex, 1); % Form Memeplexes and Run FLA for j = 1:nMemeplex
if(FAILED(CoInitialize(NULL))) //初始化调用com { AfxMessageBox("unable to initialize COM"); } Isgltest *st=NULL; //创建一个com组件,CLSID_sgltest和IID_Isgltest可以从comtest_1_0.h和comtest_ 1_0.c里找到 HRESULT hr=CoCreateInstance(CLSID_sgltest,NULL,CLSCTX_ALL,IID_Isgltest,(voi d ...
elseif choose==3 %用FCM算法进行初始化 options=[NaN, NaN, NaN, 0]; [~, responsivity]=fcm(data, K, options); %用FCM算法求出隶属度矩阵 [~, label]=max(responsivity', [], 2); elseif choose==4 label = litekmeans(data, K,'Replicates',20); endlitekmeans.m1...
2、0000 x(k) = x(k-1) + 5;endtocElapsed time is 0.011938 seconds.Use the appropriate preallocation function for the kind of array you want to initialize: zeros for numeric arrays cell for character arraysPreallocating a Nondouble Matrix A = int8(zeros(100); A = zeros(100, int8); ...
You then provide the hex encoded 64 byte decryption key at runtime in your C++ application as an argument for the initMATLABLibrary (MATLAB Compiler SDK) function using the MATLAB Data API or the <library>InitializeWithKey (MATLAB Compiler SDK) function using the MWArray API. For this ...