需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) MATLAB内置符号运算函数..docx 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 MATLAB内置符号运算函数. MuPAD (details)MuPAD Language FundamentalsEntering Commands:=Assign variables;Statement sequencesaliasDefines an abbreviation or a macrounaliasDelete...
首先来看Matlab的符号表(参考Matlab R2014a帮助文档“Symbol Reference”): 下图清晰的说明了Matlab的基本数据类型(类)(取自Matlab R2014a帮助文档“Fundamental MATLAB Classes”),其中double是默认数据类型,字符串用单引号‘’: Matlab是高级动态语言,变量(对象)在使用之前不需要声明,标识符的第一次出现视为变...
部分代码: %% ADMM-based infinity norm (ADMIN) detector function [idxhat,bithat] = ADMIN(par,H,y,N0) % -- preprocessing % by setting beta to N0/par.Es we get the MMSE estimator in the first iteration % this is pretty neat as this is a very good detector already beta = N0/par.Es...
res.VER = zeros(length(par.detector),length(par.SNRdB_list)); % vector error rate res.SER = zeros(length(par.detector),length(par.SNRdB_list)); % symbol error rate res.BER = zeros(length(par.detector),length(par.SNRdB_list)); % bit error rate % generate random bit stream (antenn...
首先来看Matlab的符号表(参考Matlab R2014a帮助文档“Symbol Reference”): 下图清晰的说明了Matlab的基本数据类型(类)(取自Matlab R2014a帮助文档“Fundamental MATLAB Classes”),其中double是默认数据类型,字符串用单引号‘’: Matlab是高级动态语言,变量(对象)在使用之前不需要声明,标识符的第一次出现视为变量的创...
* pgtol stopping crit for infinity norm of projected gradient * wa work space array (double) * iwa work space array (int) * task string * iprint how verbose the fortran program should be * csave some iformation (string, length 60) * lsave[4] some information (logicals) * isave[44...
首先来看Matlab的符号表(参考Matlab R2014a帮助文档“Symbol Reference”): 下图清晰的说明了Matlab的基本数据类型(类)(取自Matlab R2014a帮助文档“Fundamental MATLAB Classes”),其中double是默认数据类型,字符串用单引号‘’: Matlab是高级动态语言,变量(对象)在使用之前不需要声明,标识符的第一次出现视为变量的创...
NaN and Infinity The generated code might not produce exactly the same pattern of NaN and Inf values as MATLAB code when these values are mathematically meaningless. For example, if MATLAB output contains a NaN, output from the generated code should also contain a NaN, but not necessarily in ...
Least squares problem (L1, L2, Infinity norm) Mixed-integer programming The internal engine (parser) provides for a number of advantages: Analytical derivatives (first and second order) are automatically generated Possible to generate Matlab code for further processing Optimal modeling of expressions su...