[~,ib,ic]=unique([ia',q'],'rows'); p = histcounts(ic,length(ib))/cols; permEn = -sum(p.*log(p))/log(factorial(m)); case 'modified' [id,ia] = sort(dataMat); % Locate the indices of equal values izero = diff(id)==0; % Reset the indices of equal values via the ...
您可以将此函数与docfun同时使用,更正多个文档的拼写。 functionwords=correctSpelling(eds,words,tdetails)% Get indices of misspelled words ignoring complex tokens.idxVocabularyWords=ismember(tdetails.Token,eds.Vocabulary);idxComplexTokens=...tdetails.Type~="letters"&...tdetails.Type~="other";...
count] = ...create_mask_freq_selection_power_bi(Ti,n,m,M_b,u_lf,seed,c)% c : vector position of 0 freq% u_lf : low frequency proprotion in bispectrumcount = 0;Ti = Ti(1:end-1,:) ;[mask_ind,M_p] = generate_idx_mask(n,m, unique(Ti(:)) ) ;mask = zeros(n*m,1)...
部分代码: %% Output%% Output.IDX - The indices of the identified anomalies%% Output.SystemParams - The identified anomaliesdata=Input.Data;Lorigin=size(data,1);Aver=mean(data,1);X=mean(sum(data.^2,2));dist1=pdist(data,'euclidean');Averdist=mean(dist1(find(dist1<=mean(dist1(find(dis...
plot(tr_set(indices,1),tr_set(indices,2),'r*');title('Training set');subplot(2,2,2);hold on;axis square;indices=te_labels==1;plot(te_set(indices,1),te_set(indices,2),'b*')3 ;indices=~indices;plot(te_set(indices,1),te_set(indices,2),'r*');title('Training ...
% cluster indices of each point. % % [label, center] = LITEKMEANS(X, K) returns the K cluster centroid % locations in the K-by-P matrix center. % % [label, center, bCon] = LITEKMEANS(X, K) returns the bool value bCon to % indicate whether the iteration is converged. % %...
8、indices(find(features(dim,indices) > tree sp_it_j_oc);targets= targets +use_tree(features(dims, :), in, tree.chi丄d(2) discrete_dim(dims) , uc);else%discrete featureuf= unique(features(dim,:);for i = 1:length(uf),in= indices(find(features(dim,indices) = uf(i);targets =...
MYUNIQUE is a function to find unique elements in a numeric vector in the order in which they appear first or last which is determined by "mode" (default is first). The function is also outputs the indices "ndx" of unique elements and number of occurances of that elements in "h". ...
51、onzeroelements of N where N=(A10) Examples Example 1 X = 1 0 4 -3 0 0 0 8 6; indices = find(X) returns linear indices for the nonzero entries of indices =1 3 4 8 9 Example 2 You can use a logical expression to define find(X 2) returns linear indices corresponding to ...
使用第一个出现的颜色值为其赋色uniqueSpeeds = unique(maxWindSpeed,'stable');fori=1:length(uniqueSpeeds) currentSpeed = uniqueSpeeds(i); indices =find(maxWindSpeed == currentSpeed);iflength(indices) >1sortedColorMap(indices, :) =repmat(sortedColorMap(indices(1), :),length(indices),1);end...