句柄变量=line(x,y,z,属性名1,属性值1,属性名2,属性值2,…) 其中对x,y,z的解释与高层曲线函数plot和plot3等一样,其余的解释与前面介绍过的figure和axes函数类似。 每个曲线对象也具有很多属性。除公共属性外,其他常用属性如下:Color属性、LineStyle属性、LineWidth属性、Marker属性、MarkerSize属性等。 4.4 文字...
plot(1:10); axis manual; % 锁定当前的轴限制 hold on; plot(10:-1:1, 'r-'); axis equal; 添加文本 text(5,25,'A','Fontsize',18,'fontname','Times') % 文本 添加箭头 添加带文字的箭头 % 位置 尺寸 文字 annotation('textarrow',[0.13 0.13],[0.08 0.14],'String','take-off','Font...
s = plot(x, y); % 画图 set(s,'LineWidth', 1); % 设置图像线宽为1 title('Example-Title') % 设置图像标题 % set(gca,'FontName','Times New Roman','FontSize',12); %调整坐标轴字体字号 xlabel('\fontname{宋体}\fontsize{14}时间\fontname{Times New Roman}\fontsize{14}(s)'); %调...
plot(ddp,abs(I(1,:)),'k-',ddp,abs(I(2,:)),'r--',ddp,abs(I(3,:)),'b:','LineWidth',1)xlabel('\Delta_p/2\pi','Fontname', 'Times New Roman','FontSize',13)ylabel('$I_p(L)/I_p(0)$','Interpreter','latex','FontSize',13)set(gca,'FontSize',13)axis([dpmin dp...
plot... %一些美化代码 box on; xlim([-0.4 0.4]);xticks([-0.4:0.2:0.4]);yticks([0:2:6]); set(gcf,'Unit','Normalized','Position',[0.1 0.1 0.6 0.6]) set(gca,'Linewidth',3,'fontsize',30,'fontname','Times New Roman','FontWeight','bold'); % ...
The help section includes many versatile examples demonstrating labeling with numbers, strings, and symbols. This function is quite flexible as the examples show. There are only three required inputs, 3 optional inputs, and several optional parameters to increase flexibility. The outlier options may...
1.plot()函数 用于绘制平面上的线型坐标曲线 plot()函数参数xy一般为长度相等的向量。 (1)plot函数的基本用法 plot(x,y)其中x和y分别用于存储x坐标和y坐标数据。 (2)最简单的plot函数调用格式 plot(x)·当x为一个向量时,横坐标为x的下标,纵坐标为x向量元素的值。
채택된 답변:Walter Roberson Saving plot into png changes the fontsize (only) of the XTickLabel and YTickLabel automatically, undependently on the fontsize parameter changed in the code beforehand. Saving the image with "saveas" produces the problem, but first saving it into .fig, ...
Anti-aliasing- the anti-aliasing which export_fig applies to bitmap outputs by default makes the images look nice, but it can also blur images and increase exporting time and memory requirements, so you might not always want it. You can set the level of anti-aliasing by using the-a<val...
26、psize is relatively low ( <= 64 MB), so that is all the memory one sessionof MATLAB will ever get on your system.The good news is that you can increase this value. You will need to createa java.opts $MATLAB/bin/$ARCH (or in the current directory when youstart MATLAB) and pu...