I_hazy=imread(im_name); %Increaseclip_rangetoremovemorehaze-attheriskofoverenhancement clip_range=0.010; tic amef_im=amef(im2double(I_hazy),clip_range); time=toc; [m,n,~]=size(I_hazy); disp(['Resolution: ',num2str(m),' x ',num2str(n)]) disp(['Processing time: ',num2str(time)...
% the zero padding is used ONLY for resolution increase ! % % get all base pictures (3D surface figure) plot_bases( 8,1,'surf3d'); % get all base pictures (3D surface figure), x20 resolution plot_bases( 8,20,'mesh3d'); % get all base pictures (2D mesh figure), x10 resolution...
Image Analyst2011년 7월 16일 0 링크 번역 That is 2D data. You have a matrix that has a value for two independent dimensions, x and y. That is 2D data. It can be represented as a image. You can increase the resolution with imresize (to get "in between" values of x ...
You may want to define a larger input layer than the default 227x227 pixels size. You can increase the resolution of the input layer when detecting objects using YOLO v3 by changing the input layer size of your base network. For example, if you are using “squeezenet” ...
2.1.3. Image formats Various image formats are supported by MATLAB including the most commonly used ones, such as JPEG, TIFF, BMP, GIF and PNG. Images can be read, processed and then saved in a format other than their initial one. Various parameters such as the resolution, the bit-depth...
번역 Hi I generated the matlab figures using cftool and printed those to figures in matlab.fig format. I wanted to increase the resolution of those figures and convert them in different format like pdf or eps. Can anyone help me how can I set the resolution of those figures to say 80...
% Increase the color by half the max value so we can see some transparancy % in the original image. amountIncrease = 255/2; alphaImg(:,:,1) = zeros(size(maskImg)); % All zeros. alphaImg(:,:,2) = round(maskImg*(amountIncrease)); % Round since we're dealing with integers. ...
% Increase clip_range to remove more haze - at the risk of overenhancement 1. tic 1. Dehazed_im = amef(im2double(I_hazy)); 1. time = toc; 1. [m, n, ~] = size(I_hazy); 1. disp(['Resolution: ', num2str(m), ' x ', num2str(n)]) ...
% creates publishers and subscribers to send and receive data over ROS.enableROSInterface(sim, true);% Increase the laser sensor resolution in the simulator to % facilitate map building.sim.LaserSensor.NumReadings = 50; Setup ROS Interface ...
MCmatlab is a Monte Carlo simulation for modeling light propagation in a 3D voxel space. Fluorescence can optionally be simulated after simulation of the excitation light. Included is also a finite element simulation for temperature increase and heat diffusion in the same voxel space. ...