下面是一个使用if语句和isempty函数进行非空判断的例子: a = [] if isempty(a) disp('a is empty') else disp('a is not empty') end 在这个例子中,变量a被赋值为空矩阵。使用isempty函数检查a是否为空,如果a为空,则输出'a is empty',反之输出'a is not empty'。 除了使用if语句和isempty函数外...
在MATLAB中,empty是一个函数,用于检查数组是否为空。如果数组是空的,则empty函数返回逻辑值true,否则返回false。 基本用法 假设你有一个变量A,你可以使用empty(A)来检查A是否为空。 matlab A = []; if empty(A) disp('A is empty.') else disp('A is not empty.') end 在这个例子中,因为A是一个空...
1. 使用 isempty 函数可以判断一个矩阵是否为空。例如: ``` A=[]; result = isempty(A); % 返回 1,表示 A 是空矩阵 ``` 2. 使用 numel 函数可以获得一个矩阵的元素个数,然后与 0 比较,来判断矩阵是否为空。例如: ``` A=[]; if numel(A) == 0 disp('A 是空矩阵'); end ``` 总结:...
;if~outerror(['An error appear when trying to create the folder "%s".\n',...'Please, install the Toolbox manager manually.'],c);end% enter that directorycd(d);% remove MPT2 or YALMIPdisp(' ');disp('Removing toolboxes that may conflict with MPT from the Matlab path.');rmpath(g...
While MultipartProvider calls each delegate's expectedContentLength method before sending the part, it only uses the return value (if nonempty) to enforce the length, not to create a Content-Length field. If the delegate does want a Content-Length field to appear in the part, it must insert...
Microsoft® DirectX® —— If this software is not already installedon your machine and you try to simulate in the 3D environment, Vehicle DynamicsBlockset prompts you to install it. Once you install the software, you mustrestart the simulation. ...
MATLAB checks internally for theMATLAB_SHELLvariable first and, if empty or not defined, then checksSHELL. IfSHELLis also empty or not defined, MATLAB uses the Bourne shell,/bin/sh. The value ofMATLAB_SHELLmust be an absolute path, that is/bin/sh, not simplysh. ...
S = ['If three or more periods occur before the '... 'end of a line, then the rest of that line is ' ... 'ignored and MATLAB continues to the next line'] 要将多行命令中的一行注释掉,请在该行的开头使用...以确保命令保持完整。如果您使用%将某一行注释掉,则会产生错误: ...
if nargout [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); else gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); end % End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT function[pos,tp,tr,ts2]=stepchar(y,t) [mp,ind]=max(y); dimt=length(t); ...
if~isempty(system) %fix the system name z=isspace(system{1});%find spaces and carriage returns and make sure they are just spaces forj=1:length(system{1}); ifz(j)==1 ; system{1}(j)=' '; end end settings=get_param(system,'maskvalues'); ifstrcmp(settings{1}{1},'not(ess_on...