理想低通滤波器是一种只允许频率低于某个截止频率的信号成分通过的滤波器。其频率响应在截止频率以下是平坦的,而在截止频率以上则迅速衰减到零。 编写MATLAB函数来创建理想低通滤波器的频率响应: 我们可以编写一个函数来生成理想低通滤波器的频率响应。以下是一个示例代码: matlab function H = ideal_lowpass_filter(...
1.理想低通滤波器(Ideal Low-Pass Filter,ILPF)的传递函数 D0是截止频率,D(u,v)=(u^2+v^2)^(1/2)为频率平面原点到点(u,v)的距离。其特点是物理上不可实现,有抖动现象,滤除高频成分使图像变模糊。 2.巴特沃斯低通滤波器(Butterworth Low-Pass Filter,BLPF)具有如下传递函数 与理想低通滤波器不同,该...
subplot(224);plot(w/pi,db);title(‘幅度响应(dB)’) 子程序:(1)function hd=ideal_lp(~,~) %Ideal Lowpass filter computation %[hd]=ideal_lp(wc,N) % hd=ideal impulse response between 0 to N-1 % wc=cutoff frequency in radians % N=length of the ideal filter % wp=0.2*pi;wr=0.4*...
% lowpass filter, H, of the specified TYPE and size (M-by-N). To view the % filter as an image or mesh plot, it should be centered using H = % fftshift(H) % Valid value for TYPE, D0, and n are: % 'ideal' Ideal lowpass filter with cutoff frequency D0. n need not be %...
matlab低通滤波器(Matlab low pass filter).doc,matlab低通滤波器(Matlab low pass filter) Abstract A filter is an electronic device that enables a useful signal to pass smoothly while suppressing unwanted (or decaying) frequency signals. It is often used
function hd=ideal_lp(wc,M);Ideal Lowpass filter computation --- [hd]=ideal_lp(wc,M)hd=ideal impulse response between 0 to M-1 wc=cutoff frequency in radians M=length of the ideal filter alpha=(M-1)/2;n=[0:1:(M-1)];m=n-alpha+eps;hd=sin(wc*m)./(pi*m);点击...
xlabel('c).Ideal Lowpass filter(D=60)'); subplot(1,2,2); h = mesh(1:20:P,1:20:Q,H_1(1:20:P,1:20:Q)); set(h,'EdgeColor','k'); axis([0 P 0 Q 0 1]); xlabel('u');ylabel('v'); zlabel('|H(u,v)|'); ...
关键是你没有定义这个函数,此函数为function hd=ideal_lp(wc,M);%Ideal Lowpass filter computation%---%[hd]=ideal_lp(wc,M)% hd=ideal im...结果一 题目 采用窗函数法设计一个FIR数字低通滤波器,在MATLAB里输入程序hd=ideal_lp(Wc,N)时,出现错误 采用窗函数法设计一个FIR数字低通滤波器,在MATLAB里输...
(D<=Do);%%理想低通滤波器 Ideal low-path filtercase'BLPF'H=1./(1+(D./Do).^4);%%巴特沃斯低通滤波器butterworth low-path filtercase'GLPF'H=exp(-(D.^2)./(2*(Do^2)));%%高斯低通滤波器guassian high-path filtercase'IHPF'H=double(D>=Do);%%理想高通滤波器 Ideal low-path filtercase'...
(n)的m函数文件ideal.m% Ideal LowPass filter computation% -% hd = ideal_lp(wc,M);% hd = ideal impulse response between 0 to M-1% wc = cutoff frequency in radians% M = length of the ideal filter%alpha = (M-1)/2;n = (0:1:(M-1);m = n - alpha +eps; % add smallest ...