例10:用函数patch绘制填充图 fplot('humps',[0,2],'b') hold on patch([0.5 0.5:0.02:1 1],[0humps(0.5:0.02:1) 0],'r'); hold off title('A region under an interesting function.') grid图4.1.6.1填充图我们还可以用函数fill来绘制类似的填充图. 例11:用函数fill绘制填充图 ...
MATLAB绘图一二维曲线plot函数 fplot函数 二维曲线plot函数 (1)plot函数的基本用法:plot(x,y) 其中,x和y分别用于存储x坐标和y坐标数据。通常,x和y为...,2,1, 1.5];plot(x) 当plot函数的参数x是复数向量时,则分别以该向量元素实部和虚部为横、纵坐标绘制出一条曲线。x=[2.5, 3.5, 4, 5];y=[1.5,2...
MATLAB学习笔记(八) 一、二维曲线 1.1 plot函数 1.2 fplot函数 二、绘制图形的辅助操作 2.1 图形标注 2.2 坐标控制 2.3 图形保持 2.4 图形窗口分割 三、其他形式的二维图形 3.1 其他坐标系下的二位曲线图 3.1.1 对数坐标图 3.1.2 极坐标图 3.2 统计图 3.2.1 条形图 3.2.2 直方图 3.2.3 扇形图 3.2.3 ...
Script e4s102.m illustrates how few Matlab statements are required to generate a graph. The function fplot allows the user to plot a previously defined function between given limits. The important difference between fplot and plot is that fplot chooses the plotting points in the given range adapt...
If you want smoother results, do not use ezplot(). Instead, evaluate the function handles at specific locations and plot() the result against the locations. If you have a sufficiently new version of MATLAB you could also consider using fplot() instead of ezplot(), and specify the MeshDensit...
Sign in to answer this question.Accepted Answer Ameer Hamza on 28 Apr 2020 Vote 1 Link Edited: Ameer Hamza on 28 Apr 2020 Open in MATLAB Online There are two ways. 1. use fplot ThemeCopy syms f % Physical properties of the bar V0 = 1; R = 1000; L = 470*10^(-6); C...
fplot(y2) ; fplot(y3) ; xlim([0.3, 1.20]);% readjusting limits according to requirement ylim([99.72 100]);% readjusting limits according to requirement % name Axes xlabel('Stream Flowrate(t/h)'); ylabel('Percentage(%)'); If this answers your queries please accept the answer as answ...
Held expressions might be subject to other limitations, like maybe they can't be fplotted. Seems like such a capability might not be useful for problem solving, but might be useful for exposition, instruction, etc. Vollständigen Beitrag anzeigen 3 1 cui,xingxing Letzte Aktivitätam 13 ...
If we can plot a function, it should be possible to find its maximum too. Do you know second part of the question? How to use max as suggested in the help given above. Walter Roberson on 21 Nov 2015 POLYNOM/max that you are looking at is the help fo...
fplot(xsol(2),[-3,3],'b') hold off xlabel m legend('Root #1','Root #2') grid on xline([-2,0,2],'g') ylim([-10,10]) So root #1 (in red) seems to be always positive in the region of interest. Root number 2 changes sign at m==-2. (Easy enough to check.) And ...