As the name suggests, the Simplify function helps us in getting an algebraic expression in its simplest form. Though simplification is subjective, i.e. it could mean different to different users, the objective of a simplifying function is to put the expression in the best possible form. An ex...
simplify(f) 对符号表达式进⾏化简,它利⽤各种类型的代数恒等式,包括求和、 积分、三⾓函数、指数函数以及 Bessel 函数等来化简符号表达式 simple(f) 对符号表达式尝试多种不同的算法进⾏化简,以显⽰长度最短的符号 表达式简化形式 [r,how]=simple(f) 返回的 r为符号表达式进⾏化简后的形式, how为所...
編集済み:Azzi Abdelmalek
This quick video answers a question about finding the area of the smallest polygon that covers a set of points. It is a chance to use a few commands in MATLAB to simplify a script. Here is the code that will be discussed. x1 = rand(1,10); y1 = rand(1,10); vi = convhull(x1,...
2、,'equ2',)求微分方程的解析解,equl、equ2、为方程(或条件)simplify(s)对表式s使用maple的化简规则进行化简r,how=simple(s)simple命令就是对表达式 s用各种规则进行化 简,然后用r返回最简形式,how返回形成这种 形式所用的规则.求微分方程的数值解,其中的solver 为命令ode45、ode23、ode113、ode15s、ode23s...
MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory) is a powerful technical computing software and programming environment whose primary use is for numerical computation, data analysis, algorithm development, and visualization. First introduced by MathWorks in 1984, it was originally designed to simplify mathematical computation and...
Simplify Matrix Elements Callsimplifyfor this symbolic matrix. When the input argument is a vector or matrix,simplifytries to find a simpler form of each element of the vector or matrix. symsxM = [(x^2 + 5*x + 6)/(x + 2), sin(x)*sin(2*x) + cos(x)*cos(2*x); (exp(-x*...
TRUE to relax the level of mathematical rigor% in the rewriting process. The default is FALSE.%%% Examples:%% S R How%% cos(x)^2+sin(x)^2 1 simplify% 2*cos(x)^2-sin(x)^2 3*cos(x)^2-1 simplify% cos(x)^2-sin(x)^2 cos(...
How can I simplify my my program so as not to give the following warning: Warning: Reached the maximum number of function evaluations (10000). The result fails the global error test. ? ? Follow 52 views (last 30 days) Show older comments...
How can I simplify the polygon?. Learn more about polygon simplify, polygon, polygon extract, separate polygons