i want to check that a variable k with the 1st row of the array that k is equal or not to any value in the 1st row. A=[3 4 6 3 5 4 2 56 7 7; 56 34 2 4 6 7 7 78]; variable k=3; so i want to check k with A(1,1);A(1,2);A(1,3);...;A(1,n) 0 Comme...
After turn into pure 0 and 1, how I sum the image so I can get total number pixel of 1? count=0; [x,y]=size(IM); fori=1:x forj=1:y ifIM(i,j)==1 ifIM2(i,j)==1 count=count+1; end end end I want to compare both image and get how many % similarity. ...
please how to compare the values of a given parameter between two successive iterations on matlab ?팔로우 조회 수: 1 (최근 30일) imen boujnah 2018년 2월 14일 추천 0 링크 번역 i have the following code and when...
to do that statement I should compare the previous 'b value' and new 'b value'. But when I said b == b my code is not working. How can I compare last two b value? Sign in to comment. Sign in to answer this question.Accepted...
you can use image registration to align satellite images or medical images captured with different diagnostic modalities, such as MRI and SPECT. Image registration enables you to compare common features in different images. For example, you might discover how a river has migrated, how an area beca...
If you can get the version number this way, then you need some code to compare two semantic version numbers (of the form “3.1.4”). I’m not aware of a documented MATLAB function for this. The verLessThan function takes a toolbox name and a version; it doesn’t help you with co...
How to Do Data Cleaning in MATLAB 5:28 Video length is 5:28 How to Do Data Cleaning in MATLAB Experiment Manager App Create, manage, and run experiments with different parameter values to tune and compare different models for optimization. How to Set Up and Manage Experiments in MATLAB...
3)What if we want to compare the entries string with another?(如果我们想将整个字符串与另一个字符串进行比较呢) 使用:tf=strcmp(s1,s2) tf=strcmp(s1,s2)比较s1和s2,如果两者相同,则返回1(true),否则返回0(false)。 4、Structure(结构体) 1)A method of storing heterogeneous data(一种存储异构数据...
Load Training and Test Data Visualize Six Random Handwritten Samples Randomly Partition the Data into Training and Validation Sets Train and Predict Using a Single Classification Tree Train and Predict Using Bagged Decision Trees Compare Confusion Matrices...
To initially see if they were equal I used: ThemeCopy if M1==M2 disp('Timestamps match') else disp('Timestamps dont match') end The timestamps didn't match however, so now I don't know how to compare each row of the matrix at a ti...