dfittool-Distribution fitting app. evfit-Extremevalueparameterestimation. expfit-Exponentialparameterestimation. fitdist-Distribution fitting. fitgmdist-Fit a Gaussian mixture modeltodata. gamfit-Gammaparameterestimation. gevfit-Generalized extremevalueparameterestimation. gpfit-Generalized Paretoparameterestimation. ...
用Matlab自带的cftool拟合工具箱,其结果一般只能作为参考之用。有时它的结果完全与数据结果不相符有一定的误差。误差在于5%左右。所以对于f(x) = a1*exp(-((x-b1)/c1)^2)形式的 拟合函数可以用lsqcurvefit()或 nlinfit()来拟合,其拟合精度要比cftool拟合高的多。
General model Gauss1: f(x) = a1*exp(-((x-b1)/c1)^2) Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds): a1 = 224.6 (211, 238.2) b1 = 10.73 (10.62, 10.85) c1 = 2.37 (2.204, 2.536)
Hi all, Is here any body can help me with the start point of Gaussian fitting? Here is Gaussian equation. y = a* exp(-((x-b)/c)^2) for start fitting I need to set up the startpoints as follow: a0 is the max value of the frequency in a histogram. b0 is the bin value ...
【请教】 2D Gaussian Fitting based on Matlab 本人是Matlab的超级菜鸟(刚刚开始看教程,不懂编程),特来向大家求助:在处理高分辨原子像时候,需要通过二维的高斯拟合给出原子的中心位置来计算位移,大概浏览了下Matlab教程,依然一头雾水;想要通过自学熟悉使用Matlab恐怕要需要很久的时间,我目前仅需要用它来做一下图像...
Alternatively, instead of fitting a Gaussian function to the histogram data, you can use the Distribution Fitting App directly on the original data. This will allow you to fit a Normal distribution to the data and will display its mean and variance. You...
% % Gaussian noise % un = u + randn(size(u))*8; % vn = v + randn(size(v))*8; % wn = w + randn(size(w))*8; % % Add some outliers % I = randperm(numel(u)) < numel(u)*0.025; % un(I) = (rand(1,nnz(I))-0.5)*200; ...
('gaussian',round(2*sigma)*2 + 1,sigma); % kernel ONE=ones(size(Img)); KONE = imfilter(ONE,Ksigma,'replicate'); KI = imfilter(Img,Ksigma,'replicate'); KI2 = imfilter(Img.^2,Ksigma,'replicate'); figure,imagesc(uint8(Img),[0 255]),colormap(gray),axis off;axis equal, hold...
ecdfhist - Histogram calculated from empirical cdf. fsurfht - Interactive contour plot of a function. gline - Point, drag and click line drawing on figures. glyphplot - Plot stars or Chernoff faces for multivariate data. gname - Interactive point labeling in x-y plots. ...