functionppPort_Callback(hObject,eventdata,handles)%hObject handle toppPort(seeGCBO)%eventdata reserved-to be definedina future versionofMATLAB%handles structurewithhandles and userdata(seeGUIDATA)%Hints:contents=cellstr(get(hObject,'String'))returns ppPort contentsascell array%contents{get(hObject,'Val...
% gcbh:获取当前被选中的模块的句柄 % get(handle):获取模块的属性信息 % inspect(handle):通过属性观察器方式罗列模块的属性信息 % get_param(block,prop_string):获取block模块的prop_string属性值 % set_param(block,prop_string,prop_value):将block模块的prop_string属性的值设为 % prop_value。prop_string...
qMax=max(q,[],2); q(state,x1)= R(state,x1)+gamma*qMax(x1); % get max of all actions % break if convergence: small deviation on q for 1000 consecutive if sum(sum(abs(q1-q)))<0.0001 & sum(sum(q >0)) if count>1000, episode % report last episode break % for else count=c...
coder::array<double, 2U> argInit_UnboundedxUnbounded_real_T(mxArray* data) { coder::array<double, 2U> result; // Set the size of the array. // Change this size to the value that the application requires. //原始部分 result.set_size(2, 2); int N = mxGetN(data); int M = mxGetM...
col); memcpy(m_originData,output.parray->pvData,m_row*m_ col*sizeof(double)); //将matlab读入数据保存到m_originData供后面程序使用 } 上述C++代码中省略了异常处理和相关的内存、COM释放代码,由于代码比较简单所以不做进一步解析。请注意,下面将省略COM初始化及实例化等相同代码。 (3) 需要重点说明的是...
% S = MEAN(X) is the mean value of the elements in X if X is a vector. % For matrices, S is a row vector containing the mean value of each % column. % For N-D arrays, S is the mean value of the elements along the first % array dimension whose size does not equal 1. %...
% mdlGetTimeOfNextVarHit % Return the time of the next hit for this block. Note that the result is % absolute time. Note that this function is only used when you specify a % variable discrete-time sample time [-2 0] in the sample time array in ...
一个C/C++的MEX源程序通常包括4个组成部分,其中前3个是必须包含的内容,第4个则根据所实现的功能灵活选用1)#include “mex.h”;(2)MEX文件的入口函数mexFunction, MEX文件导出名必须为mexFunction函数;(3)mxArray;(4)API函数 通过简单的例子说明C/C++的MEX 源程序编写和调用过程: #include “mex.h” void ...