The workspace contains variables that you create within or import into MATLAB from data files or other programs. Text and Characters Create string arrays for text, or create character arrays for data. Calling Functions MATLAB provides a large number of functions that perform computational tasks. To...
size(func,2)=number of xi variables func - string containing a mathematic expression. Variables are defined as xi. For instance, func='2*x1+3*x2' means that it is an optimization problem of two variables. [xbest,fit] = pso(func) fit - returns the optimized value of func using the ...
% A = IMREAD(FILENAME,FMT) reads a grayscale or color image from the file % specified by the string FILENAME. If the file is not in the current % directory, or in a directory on the MATLAB path, specify the full % pathname. % % The text string FMT specifies the format of the f...
stream: a string, possible values: gaze, eyeOpenness, eyeImage, externalSignal, timeSync, positioning and notification. N: (optional) number of samples to consume from the start of the buffer. Defaults to all. side: a string, possible values: first and last. Indicates from which side of ...
Add callback functions to the buttons function calculateButton_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)str1 = get(handles.textbox1, 'String'); % Get the first number str2 = get(handles.textbox2, 'String'); % Get the second number num1 = str2double(str1); % Convert numbers to double ...
CSV string:('type','ASCII') DataMatrix:('type','data') Cell Strings:('type','cellstr') As well a cell string array is returned with the headers. The syntax is as follows: output = Quandl.get('NSE/OIL','type','fints') [output headers] = Quandl.get('NSE/OIL','type','fints'...
('MATLAB:mean:invalidFlags')); end if isstring(flag2) flag2 = char(flag2); end s2 = strncmpi(flag2, {'omitnan', 'includenan'}, max(length(flag2), 1)); % Make sure one flag is from the set {'omitnan', 'includenan'}, % while the other is from {'default', 'double', ...
C0003000770A1A086530 VENDOR_STRING=QQ=47399897 HOSTID=ANY \ ck=162 SN=888888 TS_OK INCREMENT Compiler MLM 99 permanent uncounted 60D0C0F0DC03C2F72FF7 \ VENDOR_STRING=QQ=47399897 HOSTID=ANY ck=232 SN=888888 TS_OK INCREMENT Control_Toolbox MLM 99 permanent uncounted \ ...
typeNACA = get(handles.editAirfoil,'String'); % Type ofairfoil[###] aoa = str2double(get(handles.editAoA,'String')); % Angle of attack [deg] gridPts = str2double(get(handles.editGridPoints,'String')); % Number of grid points [#] radio...