Problem 1702. Maximum value in a matrix 找出矩阵中的最大值 functiony=your_fcn_name(x)y=max(x,[],'all');end Problem 1545. Return area of square 返回方形的面积 functionb=area_square(a)b=a^2;end Problem 23. Finding Perfect Squares Given a vector of numbers, return true if one of t...
To find the indices of all the locations where the maximum value (of the whole matrix) appears, you can use the "find" function. ThemeCopy maximum = max(max(A)); [x,y]=find(A==maximum) 0 Comments Sign ...
Convert your robotics ideas and concepts into autonomous systems that work seamlessly in real-world environments. See all applications Select a Web Site Choose a web site to get translated content where available and see local events and offers. Based on your location, we recommend that you select...
getValue—获得估计的状态值或状态作用值函数。 getAction—根据当前观察值从行动者表示中获取动作。 getMaxQValue—获取离散Q值表示形式的估计最大状态作用值函数。 如果您的策略或价值函数表示是循环神经网络,即具有至少一层具有隐藏状态信息的神经网络,则前面的函数可以返回当前网络状态。 您可以使用以下函数语法来获取...
Problem 1702. Maximum value in a matrix Created by:Gnaneswar Nadh satapathi Tagsmatlab 101,matrix,basic matlab 1 Solution 14 Size Problem 3. Find the sum of all the numbers of the input vector Created by:Cody Team Tagsmatlab 101,easy,vector ...
(BPDN) problem% min_x \lambda ||x||_1 + 1/2*||b-Ax||_2^2%% Inputs:% A - m x n measurement matrix% b - measurement vector% lambda - final value of regularization parameter% maxiter - maximum number of homotopy iterations%% Outputs:% x_out - output for BPDN% total_iter - ...
your code and it worked well. But I got a few questions, why do u use find in the 4th row instead of just assigning the values like this res=ismember(v,c(end-2:end))?, also why the two zeros before the word function unique? Thanks for your answer, I really appreciate that....
MATLAB provides various functions for converting, a value from one data type to another. The following table shows the data type conversion functions −FunctionPurpose char Convert to character array (string) int2str Convert integer data to string mat2str Convert matrix to string num2str Convert ...
(sortArray) #数据全部的方差arraySum tempSum=0 num=0 for i in sortArray: tempSum+=i num+=1 if tempSum>=arraySum*percentage: return num '''pca函数有两个参数,其中dataMat是已经转换成矩阵matrix形式的数据集,列表示特征;其中的percentage表示取前多少个特征需要达到的方差占比,默认为0.9''' def ...