S1 = dir(fullfile(foldername,'*','*image*.png')); S2 = dir(fullfile(foldername,'*','*bg*.png')); assert(isequal({S1.folder},{S2.folder}),'File number/locations do not match.') for k = 1:numel(S1) F1 = fullfile(S1(k).folder,S1(k).name); F2 = fullfile(S2(k).folder...
(get(gca,'XLabel'),'FontSize', 12); % 设置X轴数字大小 set(get(gca,'YLabel'),'FontSize', 12); % 设置Y轴数字大小 title('脊柱位置曲线', 'Fontsize', 20, 'fontname', '宋体') legend('sin x','cos x','Fontsize',12,'Location','southeast','fontname','Times'); legend('boxoff...
채택된 답변:Jan I used "uigetdir_workaround" command to select a folder and in return I receive the path. Is there any command that can give me the name of the folder I selected? I know that I can use some command to find the last "\" and take the names after that as...
temp = {SubFolder.SubFolderName}; idx = cellfun(@(x)~isempty(x),temp,'UniformOutput',true); % 利用cellfun函数得到元胞数组中所有非空元素的下标 SubFolders = temp(idx); end 批量得到文件夹下某一类型的所有文件名的MATLAB函数。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 function [FileNames] = GetFil...
% Get the name of the file that the user wants to use. defaultFileName = fullfile(startingFolder,'*.*'); [baseFileName, folder] = uigetfile(defaultFileName,'Select a file'); ifbaseFileName == 0 % User clicked the Cancel button. ...
folderName = [data.author{1} '__B站视频合集']; mkdir(folderName); B 与上一期相同,设置访问的UserAgent options = weboptions(); options.UserAgent = ... '密密密密密密密密密密密密密密密密密密密密密密密密密密密密密密密密'; options.RequestMethod = 'GET'; ...
#include <D:\matlab_to_C\test_folder_5\vs_project2\foo_high.c> using namespace int { double double double //cin >> a >> b; foo_high(a,b,c); cout << "c = " cout << "c[0] = " cout << "c[1] = " cout << "c[2] = " ...
function [sourceName, sourceParams] = getLoadPanelData(this);sourceName = string(this.FolderPathBox.String); sourceParams = struct(); end还必须在自定义数据类中定义loadSource方法。该方法必须将从 getLoadPanelData 方法返回的 sourceName 和 sourceParams 作为输入。该方法还必须填充这些属性,这些属性存储...
function [s,nameC]=get_FileNameFromFolderPath(path)% 函数调用:[s,nameC]=get_FileNameFromFolderPath(path)%函数功能:从文件夹名中获得该文件夹下所图像文件名%函数输入:path 为文件夹路径%函数输出:s 表示状态,当为0时表示正确%nameC 表示获得的图像名的胞体cell% 函数历史:v0.0@2013-01-27created by...
cd(fileparts(matlab.desktop.editor.getActiveFilename())); % default to current folder matlabroot_dir = matlabroot(); cd(matlabroot_dir); 该代码首先将默认目录设置为当前文件夹,然后将MATLAB安装目录添加到默认目录中。 五、总结 本文深入探讨了CD函数的语法、用法、常见错误和实用技巧。CD函数是MATLAB中...