A short while ago, a StackOverflow user askedhow to extract data from FIG files in Matlab. The answer to this question is easy, but I wish to use the opportunity to show how this can be useful in Matlab applications. The need: load a FIG without displaying it In data-processing applica...
How do I extract data from MATLAB figures?. Learn more about extract, data, figure, fig, line MATLAB
Pradyumna A (2025).Extract data from a matlab figure (.fig) file(https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/34681-extract-data-from-a-matlab-figure-fig-file), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜:2025/1/26. MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보 ...
方法一:最简单的方法,但是不灵活。选择Figure文件的File菜单下面的Save As...。在弹出的保存窗口中选择具体的保存格式,eps或jpg。另外该方法可以写成命令形式saveas(gcf,'1.eps')或saveas(gcf,'1.jpg'),方便在脚本文件中执行。方法二:该方法只能导出jpg格式的文件,供word中使用。具体方法是点击...
open namefile.fig %open your fig file, data is the name I gave to my file D=get(gca,'Children'); %get the handle of the line object XData=get(D,'XData'); %get the x data YData=get(D,'YData'); %get the y data
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)h5 = open('pingjia.fig')再把全代码贴出来吧。。function varargout = jiemian(varargin)%JIEMIAN MATLAB code file for jiemian.fig% JIEMIAN, by itself, creates a new JIEMIAN or raises the existing% singleton*.%% H = JIEMIAN returns ...
1、将那个fig文件保存到Matlab的搜索路径下,双击打开它 2、在Matlab的command中输入如下内容 h=get(gcf,’chidren’) data=get(h,{‘xdata’,’ydata’,’zdat a’}) %此时图形中所有图像的三维数据x,y,z将会以结构体的形式保存到data变量中了
I am trying to build a calendar in Java with an event function that has: Time Date Title Category I just dont know how I can access my ArrayList and alter the data: You can access Teilnehmer from anyw... Is there anything I can do to get my split() function working?
'.fig' % matlab原始格式 '.svg' % 矢量图格式 '.jpg' % jpg格式 '.png' % png格式 '.emf' % .emf为矢量文件扩展名 变量保存 save(filename,variables,fmt) filename:文件名,默认文件名为matlab.mat,默认格式为.mat ,默认保存路径为当前文件夹。 variables:要保存的变量名称 fmt:文件格式 '-mat'二...
绘制完毕后,以期刊所需分辨率、格式输出图片。 figW = figureWidth; figH = figureHeight; set(figureHandle,'PaperUnits',figureUnits); set(figureHandle,'PaperPosition',[0 0 figW figH]); fileout = 'test'; print(figureHandle,[fileout,'.png'],'-r300','-dpng'); 以上。