- `cd`命令可以改变当前目录,可以使用`cd("")`来获取当前目录的路径。 3.使用Matlab GUI工具箱 如果正在使用Matlab GUI工具箱,可以使用以下方法来获取文件路径: -在File菜单中选择Get Path,可以打开一个对话框,显示当前文件的路径。 -在Current Folder按钮中,可以显示当前文件的路径。©...
MATLAB searches starting at the top of the search path, and moving down until a result is found or the last folder on the path is reached. If more than one name exists in a folder, MATLAB displays the first instance of name. If name matches both a file with a.m extension and a P-...
·七个可选的窗口复选菜单,分别是选项Command Window(命令窗口)、Command History(命令历史窗口)、Current Folder (当前记录窗口或称为路径浏览窗口)、Workspace(工作空间窗口)、Help(帮助窗口)、Profiler(评述器窗口)、File Exchange (文件互换窗口),选中的菜单项在菜单的左边会出现一个对号,被选中的菜单项对应的工具...
cjMatrix_Generate_FileName = 'generate_cjMatrix.m'; % stimuli folder picFolderName = 'PicturesR'; % experiment folder, create 40 subject folders for i = 1:subjectNum fprintf('%d \n', i); tmpPath = sprintf('%s/Sub%02d',expFolderName, i); mkdir(tmpPath); desPathName_mFileName =sprint...
currentFolder = 'c:\myMATLABFiles' Alternative Functionality View the current folder in the Current Folder toolbar. Output Arguments collapse all currentFolder— MATLAB current folder path character vector MATLAB current folder path, returned as a character vector. ...
str_filefolder_path = strcat('C:\Users\Documents\MATLAB\',str_filefolder,'\'); %创建的新文件夹的路径,这是一个字符串,类似'C:\Users\Documents\MATLAB\New Folder1\' %strcat的作用是水平串联字符串,见https://ww2.mathworks.cn/help/releases/R2022a/matlab/ref/strcat.html?s_tid=doc_ta ...
>> path(path,'c: \MyDir ') (3)在“Current Folder”窗口中设置搜索路径。在“Current Folder”窗口中选择文件夹,单击鼠标右键出现快捷菜单,如图1.24所示。选择“exe”文件夹,单击鼠标右键选择“Add to Path”菜单,如果选择“Selected Folders”菜单,则添加到搜索路径;如果选择“Remove from Path”菜单,则可以...
GetMATLABDriveRoot Folder Location Get the location of yourMATLAB Drivefolder on a desktop system with MATLAB Connector installed. md = matlabdrive md = 'C:\Users\username\MATLAB Drive' Get Path to File inMATLABDrive If you know where a file is within yourMATLAB Drivefolder, you can also ...
cd(folder); 在以上代码中,首先使用mkdir函数创建了Desktop目录,然后使用fileparts函数获取Desktop目录的上一级目录,最后使用CD函数切换到上一级目录。 3.自动回到MATLAB目录 如果需要在MATLAB中使用多个目录,可以使用path函数将多个目录添加到MATLAB路径中。例如,以下代码将C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2020a\toolbox和C:...
For instance, by clicking on an Excel file in the 'Current Folder' window within Matlab, one can select data and then push it into a variable in the base workspace. One can also use 'xlsread' to import data programmatically. Moreover, with the ExcelLink Toolbox, you can easily transfer...