function [opts, args] = argparse(varargin) % [opts, args] = argparse(opts, 'PropertyName', 'PropertyValue', ...) % [opts, args] = argparse('PropertyName', 'PropertyValue', ...) % if isempty(varargin); return; end; if isstruct(varargin{1}) opts = varargin(1...
>>get(ch,{'value','year','month','day'})%使用cell类型,同时获取控件ch的4个属性 ans = '2009-4-16' [2009] [4] [16] >>set(ch,{'month','day'},{12,5})%同时设置月份和日期两个属性,现在应该是12月5号 复制代码 看看下面两幅图的日期是否改变了,设置后是不是2009.12.5<ignore_js_op...
Attempt to extract field 'Value' from... Learn more about mxarray, value, excel, com, actxserver Simulink, MATLAB Coder
a(1)% ans = 'one' - 返回元胞(cell)char(a(1))% ans = one - 返回字符串% 结构体A.b = {'one','two'}; A.c = [12]; A.d.e =false; 2. 编程和流程控制 % 用户输入a = input('Enter the value: ') xlsread(filename)% 读excelimportdata(filename)% 读CSVimread(filename)% 读...
switch expression case value1 statement1 case value2 statement2 ... otherwise statement end 判断数字是-1或者0或者1或者其他值: %% switch case otherwise input_num = 1; switch input_num case -1 disp('negative 1'); case 0 disp('zero'); case 1 disp('positive 1'); otherwise disp('other...
value=get('ui_handle','UserData'); 虽然使用这种方法简单 ,但是每个对象仅能存取一个变量值,因此当同一对象存储两次变量时 ,先前的变量值就会被覆盖掉,因此都用UserData存储简单与单一的数据。如下面有两个gui函数, myloadfn加载mydata.mat文件,该文件内存储XYData变量,其值为m*2的绘图矩阵,加载后将该变量值...
% get(handle):获取模块的属性信息 % inspect(handle):通过属性观察器方式罗列模块的属性信息 % get_param(block,prop_string):获取block模块的prop_string属性值 % set_param(block,prop_string,prop_value):将block模块的prop_string属性的值设为 % prop_value。prop_string,prop_value可以多对出现 ...
('Property','Value',...)creates anewTEXT2or raises the%existing singleton*.Starting from the left,property value pairs are%applied to theGUIbefore text2_OpeningFcn gets called.An%unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application%stop.All inputs are passed to text2_OpeningFcn...
a = get(handles.algorithm_choose, 'value'); switch a case 1 algorithm = "标准4.0制算法"; case 2 algorithm = "4.8制算法"; case 3 algorithm = "改进4.0制算法"; case 4 algorithm = "百分制均绩"; end function algorithm_choose_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) ...
Specify a function that displays the new IP address in the Command Window when the component value changes. Get h = IPAddressComponent; h.ValueChangedFcn = @(src,event) disp("Value changed to: " + num2str(h.Value)); Enter the IP Address into the edit fields. MATLAB®...