脚本代码为: % MATLAB Script to Extract Data from Image with Custom Axis Limits % This script allows the user to manually extract data points from a plot image. % Step 1: Load the image [filename, pathname] = uigetfile({'*.png;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.bmp', 'Image Files'}, 'Select an Im...
% Get x/y limits of axes using axis hist_axes = gca; limits = axis(hist_axes); ifn ~= 1%当只有一个值时设置x坐标轴 limits(1) = min(x); else limits(1) = 0; end limits(2) = max(x); var = sqrt(y'*y/length(y)); limits(4) = 2*var;%只改变了y轴显示的高度 axis(hist_...
1.同时设置subplot的多幅图像的axis peaks;axis tight %Set the axis limits to equal the range of the data axis square axis 'auto x' //x轴坐标上下限自动调整 axis off %Plot a surface without displaying the axes lines and background.set(gca,'Visible','off'); //消除坐标轴,显示...
一、yyaxis函数用法 yyaxisleft%yyaxis left 激活当前坐标区中与左侧 y 轴关联的一侧。后续图形命令的目...
get(), set() handle of sin line x = linspace(0, 2*pi, 1000); y = sin(x); h = plot(x, y); get(h) handle of axes get(gca) Setting Axes Limits % 设置xlim和ylim 2种方式 xlim([0, 2*pi]); ylim([-1.2, 1.2]);
用matlab绘图时,只设定一个轴范围可以通过以下方法来实现:使用 axis([XMIN XMAX YMIN YMAX]) ,对于不需要设置范围的轴,使用参数-inf,inf,即正负无穷之间 示例代码:>> x = 1:10;>> y = x.^2;>> subplot(3,1,1)>> plot(x,y,'r')>> subplot(3,1,2)>> plot(x,y,'g')>>...
Set Axis Limits Copy Code Copy Command Plot the sine function. Get x = linspace(0,2*pi); y = sin(x); plot(x,y,'-o') Change the axis limits so that the x-axis ranges from 0 to 2π and the y-axis ranges from -1.5 to 1.5. Get axis([0 2*pi -1.5 1.5]) Add Padding ...
ans=get(gca,'Title'); set(ans,'Color','r'); 1. 2. (6)XLabel、YLabel、ZLabel属性: 取值分别为x,y,z轴说明文字的句柄。其操作和Title属性相同。 demo: ans=get(gca,'XLabel'); set(ans,'String','Values of X axis'); 1. 2.
t=get(cb,'Limits'); set(cb,'Ticks',linspace(t(1),t(2),10)) cb.Label.String ='Resultant Diplacement (m)'; axis equal 位移云图(单元显示) 2 节点杆单元对比 篇幅原因,这里就不展现2节点杆单元云图绘制语句了,可在后台领取资源文件...