x=1:100;[X,Y]=meshgrid(x,x);Z=50*exp(-1/(2*15^2)*((X-50).^2+(Y-50).^2));Mysurf2stl('mytest.stl',X,Y,Z)functionf=Mysurf2stl(FileName,X,Y,Z)fid=fopen(FileName,'w');fprintf(fid,'solid\n');fori=1:size(Z,1)-1forj=1:size(Z,2)-1%splitting each small recta...
(1).基本句法: 1.geometryfile:用于将.stl、.stp或.step文件导入MATLAB,该参数位置在实例中用” ”+文件路径替代(其中双引号在英文状态下输入) 2.model:采用MATLAB内置的各种模型,把导入文件中的图形放在某个需要的物理模型下;使用方法详见帮助文档的示例。 注:创建的model是空的,仅代表接下来放入的模型是用于某...
(1).基本句法: 1.geometryfile:用于将.stl、.stp或.step文件导入MATLAB,该参数位置在实例中用” ”+文件路径替代(其中双引号在英文状态下输入) 2.model:采用MATLAB内置的各种模型,把导入文件中的图形放在某个需要的物理模型下;使用方法详见帮助文档的示例。 注:创建的model是空的,仅代表接下来放入的模型是用于某...
I have generated a 3D mesh from a STL file using the PDE toolbox. How can I extract the mesh in terms of numerical outputs in an ASCII file? Here's the code: importGeometry(model,'cad.stl'); generateMesh(model,'Hmax',5);
I have multiple object surfaces (refer to the image attached below) in Matlab defined by X,Y,Z coordinate data and Triangle connectivity (T). I am using stlwrite function to create a stl file from triangulation object. It can write only one triangulation object surface to a ...
Inspired by: stlwrite - write ASCII or Binary STL files, STL File Reader, Mesh voxelisation, Patch Slim (patchslim.m) Inspired: OWI Edge GUI, CLUMP: Code Library to generate Multi-sphere Particles, SHAPE: SHape Analyser for Particle Engineering, HybridPositionForceControl, stlread_slim_fv(...
You mentioned, “I'm attempting to generate a SolTrace input file from a SolidWorks mesh exported as an STL file. I'm using MATLAB to process the mesh data and create the necessary input for SolTrace. I'm specifically interested in using the st...
The SG-Lib is used to generate solids, mechanisms and robots for 3D printing via a function library or command instructions and to ensure that these motion machines move as calculated in advance after 3D printing by means of integrated fitting concepts. The models can be animated as videos and...
1)导入具有.stl文件的机器人与统一的机器人描述格式 (URDF) 文件相关联, 以描述机器人的视觉几何。每个刚体都有一个单独的视觉几何特征。importrobot函数对 URDF 文件进行解析, 得到机器人模型和视觉几何。使用show功能可视化的机器人模型显示在一个figure图框中。然后, 您可以通过单击组件来检查它们并右键单击以切换...