产生一个周期为 2π的方波信号,duty表示占空比,例如duty = 30,则占空比为30%,也就是正幅度与整个周期的比值。 案例1:在0 到 3π之间等间隔产生100个点,然后产生一个周期为2π的方波 %Create a vector of 100 equally spaced numbers from 0 to 3π. Generate a square wave with a period of 2π. cl...
%Create a vectorof100equally spaced numbers from0to3π.Generate a square wavewitha periodof2π.clear clc close all t=linspace(0,3*pi);x=square(t);plot(t/pi,x,'.-',t/pi,sin(t));%Plot the square wave and overlay a sine.Normalize the x-axis by.xlabel('t / \pi')grid on 在...
以在0 到 3π之间等间隔产生100个点,然后产生一个周期为2π的方波为例:Create a vector of 100 equally spaced numbers from 0 to 3π. Generate a square wave with a period of 2π.clear clc close all t = linspace(0, 3*pi);x = square(t);plot(t/pi,x,'.-',t/pi,sin(t...
在Simulink库浏览器中搜索并添加以下组件至模型中:一个方波信号源(例如,Square Wave Generator)、两个...
MATLAB Online で開く hi, I generate square wave signal with this ; freq_Hz = 30; t = 0:0.0001:10; y = square(2*pi*freq_Hz*t); plot(t,y); axis([0 10 -1.5 1.5]); xlabel('Seconds'); ylabel('Amplitude'); But I want to trigger each duty cycle with an external event. Like...
方波信号(square wave signal)可看作是周期性的矩形信号。 代码: w=1;t=-10:0.01:10;ya=square(w*t);plot(t,ya);holdon;k=-10:10;yd=square(w*k);stem(k,yd);xlabel('t / k');ylabel('f(t) / f[k]');title('square wave signal'); ...
Generate square wave pulses at regular intervals https://www.mathworks.com/help/s ... rameter_...
-j*2*pi/N);nk=n'*k;WNnk=WN.^nk;Xk=x*WNnk;magXk=abs([Xk(N/2+1:N),Xk(1:N/2+1)]);subplot(2,1,1);stem(n,x);%画出周期脉冲信号 subplot(2,1,2);stem(k,magXk);xlabel('k');ylabel('Xtilde(k)');title('DFS of SQ.wave :L=2,N=8')%该信号频谱图 ...
Iwant to generate a square wave in matlab using code instead of square function. Saymy time period of my square wave is 6;dutycycle 50... u is my input square wave for 1000 samples t =1:1000 u(t:t+2) =1; u(t+3:t+5)=-1; ...
f=3; %frequency of sine wave in Hzfc=20;overSampRate=50; %oversampling ratefs=overSampRate*f; %sampling frequencynCyl = 80; %to generate five cycles of square wavet=0:1/fs:nCyl*1/f-1/fs; %time baseg=square(2*pi*f*t,50);%inbuilt fn:(signal proc toolbox)subplot(331)plot(...