I can create matrix(es?) like this; matrix1=[a b s]; (ans=[1 2 3 4 5 8]) matrix2=[a s b]; (ans=[1 2 3 8 4 5]) matrix3=[s b a]; (ans=[8 4 5 1 2 3]) etc... But how can I make Matlab generate all the possible (3!) combinations without writing them manua...
% get the random matrix for 1 river, 4 roads, and 3streets randMatrix_8x2 = generateRandMatrix_1river4roads3streets(); % get the start and end zone ids for river river_start = randMatrix_8x2(1,1); river_end = randMatrix_8x2(1,2); % -- & 2 streets along the river road01_...
1) %取到行数,1指代上面返回值的第一个,即行数 cols = size(A, 2) %取到列数,2指代上...
r1=randsrc(1,1,[1:L]); %Generate random matrix using prescribed alphabet. r2=randsrc(1,1,[1:L]);%OUT = RANDSRC(M,N,ALPHABET) generates an M-by-N random matrix, using the alphabet specified in ALPHABET. if r1~=r2 a0=a;b0=b; s=min([r1,r2]); e=max([r1,r2]); for i=s:...
clcclear% Step 1 : generate a 10X10 random square matrix% A = rand(10) returns an 10-by-...
19、rsgeneratedfromaGaussiancopulawithlinearcorrelationparametersrho.Ifrhoisap-by-pcorrelationmatrix,Uisann-by-pmatrix.Ifrhoisascalarcorrelationcoefficient,copularndgeneratesUfromabivariateGaussiancopula.EachcolumnofUisasamplefromaUniform(0,1)marginaldistribution.U=copularnd(t,rho,NU,N)returnsNrandomvec 20、to...
function [ Phi ] =ToeplitzMtx( M,N )%ToeplitzMtx Summary ofthisfunction goes here%Generate Toeplitz matrix% M --RowNumber% N --ColumnNumber% Phi --The Toeplitz matrix%%Generate a random vector% %(1)Gauss% u = randn(1,2*N-1);%(2)Bernoulli ...
% hmmgenerate - Generate random sequence for HMM. % hmmtrain - Calculate maximum likelihood estimates for HMM parameters. % hmmviterbi - Calcula 44、te most probable state path for HMM sequence. % % Statistical Plotting. % andrewsplot - Andrews plot for multivariate data. % biplot - Biplot ...
function out = randint(varargin)WARNING: This is an obsolete function and may be removed in the future.Please use RANDI instead.RANDINT Generate matrix of uniformly distributed random integers.OUT = RANDINT generates a "0" or "1" with equal probability.OUT = RANDINT(M) generates an...
How to generate random number within specific... Learn more about array, for loop, for, matrix, matrices, matrix array, matlab MATLAB